Common "Medical Termination Of Pregnancy" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Medical Termination Of Pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy or medical abortion is the use of medicines to end a pregnancy that is in its early stages or to complete an early miscarriage. The medications used are Misoprostol, Mifepristone, and Methotrexate.

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Why am I bleeding heavily with clots after medical abortion?

Query: Hello doctor,This is an emergency. I underwent a medical abortion at eight weeks stage and everything was going fine but suddenly since yesterday, I have been bleeding very very heavily. It happens suddenly and there are large clots as well that passed out. I took the medical pills two weeks back. P...  Read Full »

Dr. Nadia Khan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to If you are having heavy bleeding then probably your abortion was not complete. You should immediately get an ultrasound scan to see if the uterus is empty or not. If the uterus is not empty then you have to get it resolved by removal of products of conception by usin...  Read Full »

Even after taking two doses of MTP pills, why am I still getting clots?

Query: Hello doctor, I had recently used MTP pills, and it is day 4. Day one I took 1 tablet of 200 mcg, the second day I took 2 tablets each 200 mcg. I did not take rest two pills, due to heavy bleeding. Also, I had got a lot of clotting, though it must be cleared now. On the fourth day, I did ultrasonogr...  Read Full »

Dr. Sameer Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Considering the USG (ultrasonography) scan report (attachment removed to protect patient identity), there are still retained products of conception inside the uterus with clots. Ideally, you can take the remaining two doses of tablet Misoprostol and allow the bleedin...  Read Full »

Small amount of amniotic fluid leak for 10 days followed by bleeding. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a woman aged 34 years old, 23 weeks pregnant, a small amount of amniotic fluid outflow for 10 days, a small amount of bright red bleeding for one day. The b-ultrasound heart is normal, amniotic fluid is less than normal, domestic doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. I want...  Read Full »

Dr. Uzma Arqam

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you have been experiencing an outflow of amniotic fluid since 10 days and now bleeding for a day then only this history is showing the history of preterm premature rupture of membranes that can lead to chorioamnionitis (infection within the womb) and intrauterine fet...  Read Full »

When shall we engage in sex after abortion?

Query: Hello doctor, My wife is 25 years old. She was pregnant for 3 months. Last week, we lost the kid due to some troubles got aborted. D and C was not done but the fetus got out normally after medical treatment. My question is within what time we can engage in sex again? What all care should be given t...  Read Full »

Dr. Divakara. P

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Very sorry to hear about the loss. You can start trying for a baby after one month as the uterus and hormones take that much time to come back to the proper state. But if it is only sex then two weeks is fine. There is no special care or medicines required for her. Ju...  Read Full »

I am pregnant. Will getting a CT scan harm my baby?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 29 year old female, and I was hospitalized for a week due to UTI. As a part of it, a CT scan was taken, which showed that I am completely cured. Then the next day, a blood test showed two weeks pregnancy. I am worried that the CT scan would have an adverse effect on the baby. Could...  Read Full »

Dr. Deepti Verma

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I have gone through your question, and I understood your concerns. CT scan has strong radiations, and it is known to have adverse effects on the fetus. You should consult a gynecologist and decide further action. Hope you found the answer helpful. Do get back to more f...  Read Full »

My period is delayed by two months. I want to abort. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 25 years old. The date of the first day of my last period was two months back. Am I pregnant? I want to abort. Can I do medical abortion myself at home at this time? Is it safe? Please help me and consult me.  Read Full »

Dr. Naik Sharmila Shashikant

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You need to take a urine pregnancy test and confirm the pregnancy. Please visit a gynecologist for the further examination. You will also have to undergo an ultrasound done to rule out ectopic pregnancy which is dangerous. If your pregnancy is seven weeks or less, th...  Read Full »

Is it serious if my neutrophil and WBC count drop suddenly?

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 30-year-old woman. I have recently lost a pregnancy at 19 weeks due to membrane rupture. I had induced abortion with Misoprostol two weeks back and there is no complication since. I have had a CBC done almost every week from the starting of my pregnancy and they were all absolutely ...  Read Full »

Dr. Prakash. H. M.

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Based on your query, my opinion is as follows: The WBC count (white blood cell) varies on day-to-day and hourly basis and also depending on variable internal factors. Corticosteroids can affect WBC count, particularly neutrophils. At present, maybe due to stress, wh...  Read Full »

Does blood clots mean successful termination of pregnancy?

Query: Hello doctor, I recently went through a medical abortion yesterday. I was two weeks into gestation, the cramping and bleeding started four hours later. I did pass out a few blood clots shortly after the cramps started. My concern is that the bleeding was not heavy at all that today the bleeding sto...  Read Full »

Dr. Dattaprasad Balasaheb Inamdar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Abortion will definitely cause bleeding more than normal periods. Passage of blood clots may just indicate the start of process of abortion and bleeding may continue for 5 to 7 days. It all depends on the quantity of blood clots you passed. If it was indeed excessive ab...  Read Full »

No heartbeat found in my wife's ultrasound. Please assist.

Query: Hi doctor, My wife is 2 months pregnant. On ultrasound, no growth and heartbeat is seen. What can we do? Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair Bhaskaran

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I am very sorry for both of you and I understand your concern. If there is no heart beat after two months, then the baby will not be alive. Consult a gynecologist at the earliest and take medicines to abort.   Read Full »

Can taking papaya and long-distance travel cause abortion?

Query: Hello doctor,I am 7 weeks pregnant and I want to terminate it. Please suggest me some natural methods.  Read Full »

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Bhattacharyya

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, there are medical methods available which could be availed under a doctor's supervision only. This is an abortion kit containing one Mifegest (Mifepristone) tablet 200 mg to be taken orally and 4 Misoprostol 200 mcg to be inserted per vagina after 48 hours of ta...  Read Full »

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