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HomeAnswersGeneral MedicinefrostbiteHow can I overcome frostbite?

What are the ways to overcome frostbite?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At May 19, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 19, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I moved to a cold country, and am concerned about frostbite. Can you explain what frostbite is, how it occurs, and what steps I can take to prevent it? Also, are there any medications or treatments I should have on hand in case of exposure to extremely cold temperatures? Kindly help.

Thank you in advance.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Frostbite is damage to the skin caused by extreme cold. It happens when the skin, nerves, and blood vessels below the top layer of the skin freeze. Rain, snow, water, and wind can cause the skin to cool faster, which may lead to frostbite. Wet skin and clothes can draw heat from the body even faster.

Warm the frostbitten parts in warm (not hot) water for about 30 minutes. Place clean cotton balls between frostbitten fingers and toes after they have been warmed. Loosely wrap warmed areas with clean bandages to prevent refreezing. Give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain.

I suggest you follow theinstructions mentioned below.

  1. Dress in loose, light, comfortable layers. Wearing loose, light layers helps trap warm air.

  2. Protect your feet and toes.

  3. Protect your head.

  4. Protect your hands.

  5. Make sure snow cannot get inside your boots or clothing.

  6. Keep yourself hydrated.

I hope this information will help you.

Please revert in case of further queries.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. C. Elanchezhian
Dr. C. Elanchezhian

General Medicine

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