Answered by Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra

Answered by Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra

I got hemorrhoids causing bleeding with stool. Please help.

Hi doctor,

I am in a situation that I cannot go to any hospital for the next three weeks. That is why I am seeking help from online. I am a 27 year old female and I got internal hemorrhoids and a small grape-like clump on my bum which I got long, long ago. A month ago I got constipation and this led to new fissures and was bleeding while passing stools. And there was too much pain while passing stools. Now things have become worse that even when the stool is softer I am feeling pain while passing stools. And even while urinating blood drops from my anus. There is continuous mild to moderate pain in my inner walls of the rectum. Please do help. Please doctor.

28 May 2024 - 1 min read

Why has my abdomen pain not reduced even after taking antibiotics?

Hello doctor,

I am a 52-year-old female. Two weeks back, I had severe abdomen pain and got a sonography done. I have been diagnosed with amebic liver abscess. It was identified 13 days back and I was admitted in hospital for three days and was given saline and Metronidazole dosages, but still not recovered. Doctor told it will take 15 to 20 days to recover, but even after ten days there has been no change. My main symptoms are pain near abdomen, frequent fever, loss of appetite, feeling weak and dizzy. I am attaching the sonography details and prescription details. Kindly check and let me know your view on this.

Thank you.

07 May 2024 - 1 min read

What are the factors to consider before undergoing tummy tuck surgery?

Hello doctor,

I have been considering having an abdominoplasty to get rid of extra skin after losing a lot of weight. What are the most significant factors to consider or questions to ask a plastic surgeon while looking for this kind of surgery? Kindly help me in thoroughly understanding.

14 Feb 2024 - 1 min read

I have a pancreatic tumour,can the tumour alone be removed or the whole pancreas has to be removed?

Hello Doctor,

I have a pancreatic tumour, diagnosed as low grade malignant tumour of the size of 1.2cm in the pancreas. Three months ago it was 1.0 cm in size. It is not a cyst. CT contrast shows a solid mass. The PET scan has been advised when my pancreas is healed, as it is inflamed now.

I have a question to the surgery of such a tumour, if necessary. Can the tumour alone be removed or the whole pancreas has to be removed? In general I would like your opinion about such a procedure.


06 Feb 2024 - 1 min read

I am not an alcoholic, but my liver is fatty. Is it NAFLD?

Hi doctor,

I am a 39 year old male. My height is 5'2"and weight is 136.6 lbs. Today through USG I came to know that my liver is fatty (grade 1 diffuse fatty liver). I am very much worried and I do not drink alcohol. I have been taking Omega-3, protein powder and multivitamin supplements for the last one and half a year. Is it NAFLD? Please suggest me to cure the disease.

04 Jan 2024 - 1 min read

Dr. Vasavada Bhavin Bhupendra
Surgical Gastroenterology




Surgical Gastroenterology

Specialized Treatments

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