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Climatic Influence on Cosmetic Skin Parameters

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Climate can influence the systemic condition of the human body, and many diseases are associated with climate change.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty

Published At November 29, 2022
Reviewed AtMay 2, 2023


Due to global warming, there is variation in international and local temperatures leading to extreme weather causing environmental hazards and causing diseases related to respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, and skin. This skin acts as a barrier between internal organs and the external environment; climate change, like extreme heat, humidity, or cold, can directly affect the skin.

How Can a Climate Affect the Skin?

Studies have shown that increase of one-degree celsius of rising in temperature body becomes vulnerable to disease; a hot climate can lead to bacterial infections like boils, cellulitis, skin irritation, itching, fungal infection like Tinea pedis, and can cause water loss from the body leading to loss of energy level, pale look, tired. Skin diseases are increasing worldwide due to hotter climates due to the growth of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that grow in warmer environments. The harmful ultraviolet rays there is skin can become dry and can show early signs of aging, fine lines, wrinkles, and freckles; there is also increasing in the risk of skin cancer; because the ultraviolet rays, there is an increase in the production of melanin pigment, which can cause sunburn and there is the increase in the risk of melanoma skin cancer.

The climatic change has caused outbreaks of rain leading to floods to find an increase in contamination of the environment with a wide spread of parasites, bacteria, and viruses that cause skin infection; because of the rainy climate and area near marine sources, skin becomes a sticky increase in chances of itching, oily skin surface which are clogged with oil that can lead to cause skin infection and cause acne.

The cold temperature can cause drying of the skin, which can show early signs of aging, make rough skin look scaly or flaky, crack, and cause peeling. The extreme cold weather can cause frostbite and redness and cause winter itching leading to eczema. The mountain and desert-like temperature can make skin look dehydrated, create fine lines and wrinkles, start to sag, and force water and moisture loss which can cause the skin to look dull.

What Are the Effects of Cosmetics Products on Climate Change?

Cosmetic products are packaged in fancy plastic to make them look attractive. These plastics can cause harm to the environment, Majority of cosmetic products contain palm oil, and the excess plantation of palm oil can cause harm to forests, nature, and animals; the use of wet wipes, hydrating sheets, and masks are only once creating an excess of wastage globally and polluting ocean, a lot of cosmetic product contains animal-derived sources, the research of all development is done on animals for the testing of safety increases animal cruelty.

How Does Climate Influence Cosmetic Skin Parameters?

Cosmetic products are generally used to provide moisture and smooth skin. To verify the effectiveness of cosmetic products, techniques like fast optical in vivo topometry of human skin and craniometry are used to check the reproducible and statistical results in controlled climatic conditions with positive and negative standards. The procedure is carried out in a special air conditioner laboratory, which should be considered when considering the results of cosmetic parameters; the effect of outdoor climate should also be considered, especially on the measurement day. Considering the outdoor environment will help analyze the skin moisture level, a cosmetic product can give results according to seasonal change.

When preparing the material for cosmetics, the outside climate and skin physiology of a person are also considered. The fluctuation and climate can impact the quality of the material. Therefore, repeated tests are carried out with the same product every year to check the effect of climatic conditions on skin physiology. The positive standards are accepted as it is well-tolerated by skin with minimal or no change in properties of the product to moisture retention, and skin smoothening effect that was expected from the product. Because of the use of harsh surfactants products are considered to be negative standards are removed.

The laser profilometry technique is used to check the effect of anti-wrinkle cosmetic products. The Ra parameter is also considered to indicate the roughness index caused by the product on the skin; if it remains unchanged, it is regarded as Rz constant, meaning the roughening of the skin due to increased value because of the influence of the product.

The fast optical in vivo documentary of human skin came into use after the successful verification. It helps in the evaluation of wrinkle mechanism with a touch-free optical technique, the system comprises of fringe projection unit and CCD camera, It helps in measuring the data fast with better grid projected by CCD camera with a perfect baseline and end value data.

The corneometer is used to measure the skin's water content in a non-invasive manner with capacity measurements to check the effect of indoor climate on the product relative to humidity. The test is done to check the influence of these procedures with frequent measurements by making the volunteer with no product seated in an air conditioner laboratory with room temperature and humidity constant to check the basic influence of indoor climate and in the second round they were asked to apply a product containing glycerin from a different brand with the difference in humidity level, this helps in standardization of product. But this procedure does not make a difference in climatic conditions like summer or winter temperature.


The difference in climate change in summer or winter cannot be demonstrated in an air conditioner laboratory, but the standardization of products can be maintained by checking the positive and negative standards of the product. The indoor climate also plays a vital role in maintaining the efficacy of cosmetic products, along with the outdoor environment moisture level and humidity can also impact.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can Weather Changes Affect Your Skin?

The skin is one of the most sensitive organs in the human body and, hence, can be affected by weather changes. The changes in temperature and humidity in the atmosphere can affect the texture, complexion, and elasticity of the skin.


Does the Climate Change Your Skin Tone?

Many factors, like genetics, skincare regimens, etc., can affect the skin's tone. However, the skin produces more sebum during the summer and appears more oily. This can be a reason for an increase in breakouts. On the other hand, the skin loses its moisture fast in winter, appearing to be dry and tight. 


Which Climate Is Best for the Skin?

Ideally, a temperate climate is best for all skin types- it provides the temperature and humidity the skin requires. Warmer conditions can make the skiing more oily, while cold climates can make it dry and flaky.


Why Is Skin Worse in the Winter?

Winters are usually drier and lack moisture. In addition, the use of room heaters can make the skin lose its moisture content faster, leading to dry and flaky skin. This can cause acne breakouts as well.


Does Climate Affect Skin Aging?

The climate certainly affects skin texture and integrity. The loss of water content in the skin (which plays an important role in maintaining the skin's texture) is very sensitive to the climate. Another factor is UV radiation. Even a small exposure to UV rays can change the skin's surface texture. 


How Does a Dry Climate Affect the Skin?

The skin loses its moisture content in a dry climate. The moisturizer used also tends to evaporate quickly in a dry climate. Hence, it is important to keep the skin hydrated.


Is a Hot Climate Good for the Skin?

When it is hot, the shin dehydrates quickly due to constant sweating. Hence, the skin can become red and irritated. Keeping the skin hydrated is very important, along with keeping it clean.


Can Cold Weather Clear Your Skin?

The cold weather makes the clogged pores less visible. The oil production is also lower, which can contribute to lesser acne issues. All these together can promote clear skin during cold weather. 


Can Climate Change Cause Pimples?

Climate changes can alter the pH of the skin, which can cause pimple outbreaks. An increase in temperatures and pollution makes the skin produce more sebum, making the skin more oily and causing more pimples.


Why Is My Skin Getting Darker?

Exposure to the sun, hormonal imbalance, using harsh chemicals on the skin, etc., can cause the skin to become darker. Moreover, the skin can be affected by age, pregnancy, certain medicines used, and other medical conditions like melasma.


How to Get White Skin?

Whitening of the skin may not be possible naturally, although the skin can be made a shade lighter by removing the tan. This can be achieved with some home remedies when done regularly. 


Which Climate Is Good for Hair?

A moderate temperature with minimal humidity is the best climate for hair. Extreme temperatures can ruin the texture of the hair.
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Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty
Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty



climate changeskin infections
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