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Baby Sleep Schedule: How Often Should a Baby Sleep in a Day?

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Newborns sleep for longer hours but in short segments. Sleep is very important for the proper development of the brain, body, emotions, and behavior.

Written by

Dr. Ssneha. B

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati

Published At August 31, 2023
Reviewed AtAugust 31, 2023


Newborns cannot differentiate between day and night and wake up often to feed as their small stomachs cannot retain the breastmilk or formula for long to keep them full. The sleep pattern differs with babies and also with age. The total sleep time may decrease with age but nighttime sleep may increase. More sleep and food may be required during the first six months since babies increase in size and weight during this period.

What Are the Different Alert Phases in a Newborn?

There are two types of alert phases namely:

  • Quiet Alert Phase: This is the phase that occurs immediately after the baby wakes up. The baby in this phase remains still and observes the environment around them or stares at objects and responds to sounds and movements. The quiet alert phase transits into an active phase where the baby moves actively and is alert to sounds and sights.

  • Crying Phase: The quiet alert phase is followed by a crying phase in which babies cry loudly and become restless. Crying in newborns is a late signal of hunger. The baby should be calmed by bringing them close to the skin or wrapping them tightly but carefully in a blanket or a cloth (swaddling). It is advisable to feed the baby before the crying phase as a restless baby can refuse to feed.

How Does a Baby’s Sleep Differ From Adults?

Babies under one year of age are light sleepers and have more ‘active sleep’ rather than ‘quiet sleep’. Babies in active sleep can be easily awakened. Signs of active sleep include twitching the arms and legs, shallow breathing, and fluttering of eyes under the eyelids. Adults usually have a quiet sleep in that they breathe deeply and lie still. Sleep cycles differ for everyone. The sleep cycle of adults may be around 90 minutes while that of babies can be 40 minutes due to which they wake frequently.

Is It Normal for Babies to Sleep Too Much?

Newborns do sleep too much but a proper feeding schedule must be followed. Newborns should feed at least 8 to 12 times a day and babies must not be allowed to sleep for more than 17 hours a day as they can miss the feedings. Babies must be gently aroused from sleep and fed if they sleep for more than four hours. If they do not wake to feed at least eight times a day then a pediatrician (child specialist) should be consulted. More sleep time ensures proper brain development and growth.

When Do Babies Sleep in the Night?

Though babies sleep for long durations, they sleep less at night. Studies show that many babies gain their nighttime sleep patterns by six months of age but it can take longer in a few babies. Parents may be worried if the baby does not sleep sufficiently at night but studies show that there are no effects on the physical and mental development of the babies if they do not sleep for long hours at night. Only the total sleep time per day matters in infants.

What Are the Signs of a Sleepy Baby?

A baby who is ready to sleep displays the following signs:

  • Rubbing their eyes.

  • Become fussy and cranky.

  • Yawning.

  • Looks away.

  • Clenched fists.

  • Not willing to play.

  • Waving the arms and legs.

Should Parents Wake Up at Night Whenever the Baby Wakes Up?

Sleep patterns in babies keep changing during the first year of life. Babies may wake up several times in the night (approximately six times). Some babies sleep after a while but others may cry and awaken the parents to put them back to sleep by cuddling or rocking. It is recommended to allow the babies to soothe themselves back to sleep as cuddling or rocking to sleep can develop into a habit later.

What Is the Sleep Time in Children Based on Age?

The sleeping time differs in babies. The guide given below is a piece of standard information and it can vary in different babies.

  • Birth to Three Months: Usually newborns sleep for eight to nine hours during the day and about eight hours at night. They do not sleep together for hours but rather sleep in short segments. Most babies have uninterrupted sleep in the night when they are three months old but two-thirds of babies sleep continuously in the night when they reach six months of age. The total sleep time in babies ranges between 8 to 18 hours a day. Since babies cannot distinguish between day and night until they are six weeks old, newborns can be taught to sleep more at night by keeping them engaged during the day, exposing them to light in the day, and keeping the surroundings dim and quiet in the night.

  • Three to Six Months: During this time, babies may have three naps of two hours each during the day. The majority of them will sleep for 14 to 15 hours a day and some babies can sleep for eight hours at night. During this phase, the babies may progress gradually from active sleep to quiet sleep. They might wake up at least once in the night.

  • Six to Twelve Months: From six months of age, the sleep pattern in babies may be like that of adults. They may sleep for 13 hours during the day and the duration of sleep at night can peak at an average of 11 hours. A decrease in daytime naps can be noticed with each nap lasting for one to two hours. The babies may wake up less often at night as they do not require too many feeds in this phase. Few babies will return to sleep on their own while others may need help. During this period, babies may be worried if their parents or caretakers are not around and may temporarily wake up at night to ensure that they are beside them. Regular sleeping habits can put the baby to sleep at ease.

  • After 12 Months: As babies approach one year of age, their sleeping patterns would have been well developed as they can be seen to sleep longer, wake up less often, take one or two naps in the day, and sleep for 8 to 12 hours in the night. They might wake up once or twice at night.

Guide to Sleeping Duration in Babies -

  • Newborns will have 16 hours of total sleep time (8 to 9 hours of total nighttime sleep and 8 hours of daytime sleep).

  • One-month-old baby will have 15.5 hours of total sleep time (8 to 9 hours of total nighttime sleep and 7 hours of daytime sleep).

  • Three-month-old babies will have 14 to 15 hours of total sleep time (9 to 10 hours of total nighttime sleep and 4 to 5 hours of daytime sleep).

  • Six-month-old babies will have 14 to 15 hours of total sleep time (10 hours of total nighttime sleep and 4 hours of daytime sleep).

  • Nine months old babies will have 13 to 14 hours of total sleep time (11 hours of total nighttime sleep and 3 hours of daytime sleep).

  • One year old will have 14 hours of total sleep time (11 hours of total nighttime sleep and 3 hours of daytime sleep).

  • One and half-year-olds will have 13.5 hours of total sleep time (11 hours of total nighttime sleep and 2.5 hours of daytime sleep).

  • Two-year-olds will have 13 hours of total sleep time (11 hours of total nighttime sleep and 2 hours of daytime sleep).

How Much Is Too Much Sleep in Babies?

Newborns and babies under three months of age should not sleep less than 11 hours and more than 19 hours a day. Babies between 4 to 11 months of age should not sleep less than 10 hours and more than 18 hours a day.

What to Do if the Baby Does Not Sleep Sufficiently?

If the baby sleeps less than what is required for their age in a day and shows signs of fussiness, takes short naps, and becomes restless in the night, it is good to consult a pediatrician (child specialist). By following the sleeping signs and maintaining a regular sleeping routine, babies can learn to fall asleep easily. It might be difficult for parents to get a good sleep at night but as the babies grow they get adapted to the normal sleeping routine.

How to Make the Babies Sleep?

Few babies may sleep if the parents rock them, breastfeed or hold them in their arms. This is fine in newborns but it can become a habit if it is followed for long. They may also find it difficult to sleep again if they wake up at night. Cuddling and comforting can help babies feel secure. The following are a few ways to make babies sleep.

  • Not entertaining any activity close to bedtime and avoiding overstimulation.

  • Maintaining a bedtime routine like bathing before sleeping, reading books, or singing a lullaby.

  • Playing soft music.

  • When babies can roll over and sit, specific soft toys can be given to show that it is time for bed. This should be avoided in newborns as it can cause suffocation.

  • Putting the baby in bed when they feel sleepy and not after they sleep.

  • Comforting the baby when they are afraid.

  • When babies wake in the night, they can be put to sleep by patting or soothing and not taking them from the bed.

  • Let the baby take naps appropriate for their age.

  • Changing into a fresh diaper before bed.

  • Dim the lights in the room and create a calm, quiet environment.

  • Maintaining a consistent routine.

What Are the Sleeping Patterns in Premature Babies?

Unlike normal babies, premature babies may sleep for 22 hours a day based on how premature they are and can wake often for feeds. Increased duration of sleep in the nighttime can be expected in premature babies when they reach 10 or 12 months of age. Bottle-fed infants wake up less at night as the formula is heavier and takes time to digest. This does not mean that mothers can switch to formula feeds because there is less difference in overall sleep time.

Which Sleeping Position Is Considered Safe for Babies?

The ideal and the best position to put the babies is to make them lie on their backs. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that making babies sleep on their side can pose a threat besides offering no benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) further states that it is recommended to make the babies lie on their backs till one year of age. Ensuring safe sleeping positions for babies is very important to prevent the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is considered responsible for causing deaths in infants and is regarded as the fourth most common cause of infant deaths. Sudden Infant Syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death that occurs during sleep in healthy infants less than one year of age.

When Should a Doctor Be Consulted?

A pediatrician (child specialist) should be consulted if the baby shows the following signs:

  • Extremely fussy, irritable, or cranky and cannot be consoled. This might denote an underlying health condition like colic or reflux (digestive system issues).

  • Difficult to awaken from sleep.

  • Being less energetic and refusing to feed properly.

  • Baby has difficulty in breathing or wheezing.

  • Flared nostrils while breathing.

  • Baby’s ribs sink while breathing.

  • Fever.


Sleeping patterns in babies keep changing and it is normal for newborns to sleep longer. They should be gently awakened from sleep and fed to give the necessary nutrition. If babies sleep more than the recommended time for their age, then a pediatrician should be consulted. Teething, growth spurts and illnesses can influence the baby’s sleep. Parents and caretakers must be ready to adapt to the different sleeping routines in babies.

Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati
Dr. Bhaisara Baraturam Bhagrati



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