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HomeAnswersInternal Medicinechest painI have upper right-sided chest pain that worsens while coughing.

What could be the reason for upper right-sided chest pain?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At May 14, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 16, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am experiencing pain in my upper right chest that gets worse when I cough. I am currently on tablets Phenobarbital, Topiramate, Keppra, Gabapentin, Aption, Bruspra, Ondansetron, and Lorazepam.

Please help.

Answered by Dr. Sugreev Singh


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Thank you for writing and I understand your concern.

Thank you for writing, and I understand your concern.

Such right-side chest pain can be associated with lung infections, and as you mentioned, pain is more common while coughing, so it can be either due to bacterial infection or viral infection. So I would suggest you do a chest X-ray once. It will help us to rule out other diseases, and then we can treat them accordingly because they have been there for one month, so it is necessary to diagnose them. Doing a CBC (complete blood count) test will help us to know about infection. For now, I would suggest you to take a tablet of Paracetamol 500 mg twice a day after a meal for three days, along with your medications; it will help you out. Kindly consult a specialist, talk to them, and take the medications with their consent.

Since when do you have a cough? Are there any difficulties in breathing?

Please let me know. Thank you

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I had a nervous breakdown after my mother passed, so I have been immobile and just getting back to normal life after two years. So I have issues in breathing. But I have pulled a muscle due to a severe seizure in that area, also.

Answered by Dr. Sugreev Singh


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I am sorry that you had to go through a lot. I hope things will get better soon. Nothing to worry these symptoms will disappear, I would suggest you take the tablet Paracetamol 650 mg whenever you have pain, it is safe and there will not be any side effects. And you can use it for the long term as well. So please take the tablet Paracetamol 650 mg once after a meal whenever you need (max you can take three times a day) if there is no pain, then you do not have to take the medication. And please do not stress yourself much, stress causes lots of health issues and due to that such symptoms can be experienced, so please relax.

I hope this helps. Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Sugreev Singh
Dr. Sugreev Singh

Internal Medicine

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