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The Benefits of Alternative Therapies in Palliative Cancer Care

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Palliative cancer care is specialized medical treatment provided to cancer patients, particularly those in advanced stages or towards the end of life.

Written by

Hemamalini. R

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Nagaraj

Published At August 17, 2023
Reviewed AtAugust 17, 2023


Palliative cancer care focuses on improving the quality of life for advanced or terminal cancer patients, aiming to alleviate pain, manage symptoms, and provide psychological and emotional support. In addition to conventional medical interventions, alternative therapies have gained attention for their potential role in complementing traditional approaches. This article explores the role of alternative therapies in palliative cancer care, highlighting their benefits and considerations.

What Is Palliative Cancer Care?

Palliative cancer care is specialized medical treatment provided to cancer patients, particularly those in advanced stages or towards the end of life. Its main goal is to enhance patients' quality of life by controlling pain, providing symptom relief, and attending to their and their families psychological, emotional, and physical requirements.

Palliative care supports patients throughout their cancer experience, beginning with diagnosis. It can be used with curative treatments and is not just for caring for the dying. The objective is to improve the patient's general well-being, foster comfort, and maximize their capacity to function and participate in daily activities. A multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, and other medical experts offers palliative cancer care. The patient's unique needs, preferences, and goals are considered as this team creates a personalized treatment plan. The strategy may include medical treatments, pain-relieving techniques, psychosocial support, and help with advanced care planning.

What Are Complementary Therapies?

Complementary therapies are supposed to focus on the complete person, not just the cancer. They include physical activities like massage, yoga and ingested or topically applied medications. Combining complementary therapies with conventional treatments may help patients better manage the physical and psychological impacts of cancer as well as the adverse effects of those treatments. There is no proof that complementary medicines can manage or eradicate cancer.

Why Do People Use Complementary Therapies?

People with cancer commonly turn to complementary therapies for various reasons:

  • Enhance the quality of life.

  • Active engagement in health and recovery.

  • Symptom and side effect management.

  • Strengthen coping mechanisms.

  • A holistic approach to treatment.

  • Integration of traditional and cultural practices.

What Are the Types of Complementary Therapies?

These complementary therapies are supported by scientific research as being beneficial in helping cancer patients improve their quality of life.

  • Acupuncture.

  • Yoga.

  • Tai chi and qigong.

  • Meditation.

  • Music and art therapy.

  • Massage.

  • Physical activity.

  • Nutrition.

What Benefits Does Acupuncture Offer Cancer Patients?

Acupuncture stimulates specific points on the body using thin needles or pressure, resulting in alterations in the fascia, the connective tissue enveloping muscles and bones. These alterations are believed to induce changes in brain activity, including the release of chemicals like serotonin and modifications in electrical signals. Consequently, these mechanisms contribute to the efficacy of acupuncture in alleviating various symptoms. Acupuncture, an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, has garnered increasing research attention for its potential to assist individuals with cancer in managing diverse treatment side effects.

Acupuncture has been demonstrated to:

  • Relieve pain.

  • Reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

  • Minimize negative symptoms, such as hot flashes.

  • Aid for mouth dryness.

Although there has been less research on these other problems, acupuncture may be able to help:

  • Fatigue.

  • Sleep problems.

  • Headache.

  • Appetite loss.

  • Weight changes.

  • Diarrhea.

  • Constipation.

  • Anxiety.

  • Swallowing problems.

  • Lymphedema.

What Benefits Does Yoga Offer Cancer Patients?

Complementary therapies also have the effect of lowering stress and anxiety. Yoga stretches and flexes various muscular groups by utilizing positions, breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques. Yoga can assist in integrating the mind and body, relieve tension, and quiet the mind. Yoga has the following advantages:

  • Improves general quality of life.

  • Improves physical performance and daily-life activities capacity.

  • Enhances mental and physical health.

  • Lessens discomfort.

  • Reduces tiredness.

  • Reduces nausea.

  • Decreases sleep issues.

  • Aids in controlling stress hormones.

  • Reduces inflammatory response.

  • Improves immunological performance.

How Are Tai Chi and Qigong Beneficial for Cancer Patients?

Tai chi and qigong incorporate smooth and flowing movements accompanied by controlled and mindful breathing techniques. These disciplines aim to promote a sense of calmness and relaxation in the mind. Qigong and tai chi offer the advantages given below:

  • Enhance the quality of life.

  • Minimize sleep issues.

  • Reduce inflammation.

How Can Meditation Help People With Cancer?

Meditation involves directing attention to bring calmness to the mind and relaxation to the body. This can be achieved by silently repeating soothing words or chants, focusing on breathing, or practicing non-judgmental awareness of thoughts and emotions.

Meditation can be learned independently or with the guidance of others. Different forms of meditation include focused meditation, open awareness and mindfulness, and compassion or loving-kindness meditation. Scientific studies have demonstrated that meditation has the following benefits:

  • Reduce chronic pain.

  • Enhance mood and positively impact various aspects of quality of life.

  • Reduce stress hormones in the body.

  • Improve immune system functioning.

How Does Music Therapy and Art Therapy Benefit Individuals With Cancer?

Professional therapists can provide guidance in music and art therapy, which have shown the ability to enhance recovery, promote overall well-being, and alleviate anxiety. These therapeutic approaches are efficient for individuals undergoing palliative treatments or those who are hospitalized.

Does Massage Help Relieve Side Effects of Cancer and Its Treatment?

Massage therapy has the potential to induce relaxation, alleviate tension, enhance comfort, and mitigate pain. Individuals with cancer can derive benefits from massage, including a specialized form known as oncology massage. Besides receiving massages from professional massage therapists, caregivers can also provide simple massages to facilitate relaxation. Additionally, individuals can explore self-massage techniques to experience the therapeutic effects. Massage can have the following benefits:

  • Alleviate pain.

  • Diminish tension and stress.

  • Aid in post-surgery recovery.

  • Mitigate anxiety and depression.

How Does Physical Activity Help People With Cancer?

Numerous studies indicate that regular exercise can significantly enhance patients' physical and mental well-being throughout all stages of treatment. Regardless of prior activity levels, developing an exercise program tailored to individual needs is possible, enabling safe and successful movement. It is advisable to discuss with the healthcare team the suitable physical activity options that best suit the situation.

How Does Nutrition Help People With Cancer?

Consuming nourishing foods can assist individuals with cancer in obtaining essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, cancer treatments can often lead to side effects such as reduced appetite, weight loss, or weight gain. By adopting a healthy eating plan, individuals can manage their body weight effectively throughout treatment and beyond. Oncology registered dietitians (RDs) support cancer patients by addressing their nutritional requirements.

What Are Alternative Therapies?

Complementary and alternative are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings. While they are sometimes referred to collectively as "complementary and alternative therapies," they have different implications.

Alternative therapies are used as substitutes for conventional medical treatments. The Cancer Council does not support or recommend using alternative therapies as a primary form of treatment for cancer. Many alternative therapies have not undergone rigorous scientific testing; therefore, there is no evidence to support their effectiveness in stopping the growth or spread of cancer.

Some alternative therapies have been proven harmful to individuals with cancer or have shown no efficacy. Although the side effects of alternative therapies are not always well-known, some can be severe and interfere with the success of cancer treatment.

Certain alternative therapists promote their therapies and medications as cures for cancer, often encouraging patients to forgo conventional cancer treatments. If individuals are considering this approach, it is crucial to consult with their doctor and cancer care team first. Delaying conventional treatment in favor of alternative therapies can allow cancer to progress or make it more challenging to treat with conventional methods. It may also result in patients being too unwell to undergo conventional treatment. Moreover, alternative therapies can be quite expensive and are not covered by government-funded programs or the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS). It is essential to take into account the financial implications of these therapies.

What Is the Role of Alternative Therapy in Palliative Cancer Care?

Alternative therapies in palliative cancer care provide additional supportive care and symptom management alongside conventional medical treatments. They address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, improving the patient's quality of life. Benefits include:

  • Complementary Approach: Alternative therapies complement conventional treatments, enhancing symptom management and overall satisfaction with care.

  • Pain Management: Therapies like acupuncture, massage, and mind-body techniques reduce pain, promote relaxation, and decrease reliance on opioids.

  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Music or art therapy and counseling help manage stress, anxiety, and depression, providing coping strategies and emotional release.

  • Enhancing Quality of Life: Aromatherapy, yoga, and relaxation exercises promote calmness, reduce fatigue, enhance sleep, and foster a sense of control.

  • Individualized Approaches: Treatment plans should be tailored to each patient's needs, preferences, and goals, with open communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.


Alternative therapies have emerged as valuable adjuncts in palliative cancer care, offering patients additional support to manage symptoms, cope with emotional challenges, and improve their overall well-being. By integrating alternative therapies into comprehensive care plans, healthcare providers can provide patients with a more holistic approach to cancer treatment. Healthcare professionals must continuously update their knowledge of the latest research and evidence to effectively and safely incorporate alternative therapies into palliative cancer care.

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Dr. Nagaraj
Dr. Nagaraj



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