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How does yoga help senior citizens?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At June 8, 2018
Reviewed AtFebruary 12, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

What are the health benefits and trends for yoga for senior citizens? Are there studios that have classes or professionals that cater to this demographic? Why choose yoga over other forms of fitness and stretching?


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  • Yoga is of two types. One is for physical exercises called asanas and the second one is meditational yoga. Both have tremendous benefits for life and health.
  • Physical yoga regulates body glands, and hormones and cures many diseases of the body. For different persons and conditions, there are separate yoga asanas or exercises. One can get calm, relaxed, fitness, body glow, depression, anxiety, and blood pressure control through yoga.
  • Yoga can be done for almost all diseases. It should be done indoors, after a bath, in a room without strong winds, and with minimum clothes on the body. It should be done regularly for full benefits.
  • For senior citizens, it increases lifespan, activeness, sex life better, and disease-free end life. For full benefits, one should be a complete vegetarian.
  • These days in busy cities and with faulty lifestyles, people are suffering from many diseases and have no respite with the best medicines. So, they are coming towards yoga for relief.
  • Yes, in some places there are classes and teachers to teach.
  • Other exercises cause tiredness in the body and do not affect glands much, but yoga affects glands and hormones.

For further information consult a yoga specialist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/yoga-specialist

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Dr. Vinod Kumar Gupta
Dr. Vinod Kumar Gupta

Ayurveda Specialist

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