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HomeAnswersObstetrics and GynecologyvirginityDid I lose my virginity when there was vaginal bleeding?

Does it mean the loss of virginity when only the tip of penis is inserted into the vagina?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Reetika

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At June 5, 2022
Reviewed AtOctober 10, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I was a virgin. Something happened to me six months back. He only put the tip of the penis in, so I was like, I did not lose my virginity. Before the incident, I went to the restroom, wiped myself, and saw blood. It was like I got my period. And even after the incident, when I wiped myself, I saw blood. What is your opinion about whether I lost my virginity?

Answered by Dr. Reetika


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have gone through the details you presented and the image you shared (attachment removed to protect the patient's identity). I can fully understand your concern and will surely help you. Although it is impossible to tell without physical examination, but with the details presented and the image shared by you, it does not seem that you have lost virginity with the incident you have said.

However, sometimes the hymen breaks due to other activities like swimming, sports activities, horse riding, etc. You can sit on the edge of a bed or chair in front of a mirror and examine yourself. You should be able to make out the presence of an ultra-thin membrane.

Blood may be present due to a slight rash which would have taken place as it was your first time at the vaginal opening. Your virginity must be intact. Also, my recommendation to you is that you do not get stressed out about this as sometimes hymen breaks with other routine activities. So you need not worry and enjoy your life.

I am always there for you. Feel free to ask any questions or to share any additional information. God bless

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for the reply.

I examined as you told me. I got my period today. So it was easier to identify the membrane around it. How do I know if it is intact or not?

Answered by Dr. Reetika


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

It is nice to learn that you have started with your periods today. So most likely, the small blood may indicate the period. Further, with proper intercourse and hymen getting broken, things would have gone beyond like conceiving. Periods indicate that it was only rubbing classically, and there was no entry of the penis. So most likely, there is nothing to worry about. Take it easy and continue with your routine. Further, even in the future, do not get so tensed with virginity and do not make it an issue to make you anxious.

I am always there for you. Feel free to ask any questions or to share any additional information. God bless.

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Dr. Reetika
Dr. Reetika

Obstetrics and Gynecology

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