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HomeAnswersObstetrics and Gynecologyunprotected sexI had unprotected sex last week. Should I take an emergency contraceptive pill?

Will I get pregnant as we had unprotected sex and followed the pull-out method?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Reetika

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Meera Premanand

Published At March 3, 2022
Reviewed AtJanuary 28, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I had unprotected sex last week. We followed the pull-out method. He did not ejaculate inside me. My last period was 12 days ago. Should I take any precautions? Please advise.

Thank you.

Answered by Dr. Reetika


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I fully understand your concern. See withdrawal method is not a very reliable method of birth control as the precum secreted before ejaculation also has sufficient sperms to cause pregnancy. Also, since it was 12 days past the last period, and if you have a cycle of 26 to 28 days, you may be nearing ovulation, making it near your fertile window. So to prevent any possibility of unplanned pregnancy, you must take an I-pill (Levonorgestrel) or any other emergency contraceptive pill at the earliest. I hope this helps.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

My cycle fluctuates from 30 to 35 days. Also, will the time after which contraceptive is taken have any impact on the pill's effectiveness? Please advise.

Answered by Dr. Reetika


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

For getting pregnant, the sperms have to be released inside the vagina of the female. The sperm then need to fertilize an egg which may or may not be available depending upon the menstrual and ovulation pattern of the female. If the egg is present and got successfully fertilized, it needs to be implanted on the wall of the female's uterus. When all this happens successfully, a female has conceived or been pregnant. Now coming to the emergency contraceptive pill, i.e., I-pill (emergency contraceptive pills). These pills are hormone-based and work at three distinct stages after the dose to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Firstly, if taken before releasing an egg, it delays the release of eggs from the ovary. If the egg was already released before the taking of dose, it prevents its fertilization by sperm after unprotected intercourse by thickening the fluids in the cervix. Further, if the egg was already fertilized before the female takes the dose, the pill prevents implantation of the egg on the uterus by making it unsuitable. So yes, as you can understand, if the dose is taken immediately, it starts from the first stage, i.e., prevents the release of an egg, and if taken late, it also helps in one form or another. I also feel that the pill can be taken if you are healthy and do not suffer from a blood disorder or artery-related disease. It has specific side effects experienced by certain females, like spotting or light bleeding within a week or ten days of taking the dose, and it delays your next menstrual period. I hope this helps.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

This has been very insightful, and I sincerely thank you for the detailed explanation. As there is time for the ovulation phase, I am assuming the pill will act by delaying the release of the egg. Hope I am correct. Also, I have never used oral contraception before, so I am a bit unclear about the dosage and any specific time of the day to take the pill. Please help me.

Answered by Dr. Reetika


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Yes, in your case, it will prevent or delay the release of the egg and will also act to make cervical mucus thick and the uterus lining unsuitable. As far as the dose is concerned, you can consult a local doctor and take it without any complications. Just make sure that you do not have any blood disorder, artery-related problems, or heart disease. I hope this helps.

Thank you.

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Dr. Reetika
Dr. Reetika

Obstetrics and Gynecology

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