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HomeAnswersObstetrics and Gynecologyunprotected sexIs there a chance of pregnancy after pulling out on time?

Is there a risk of pregnancy if my husband withdrew in time?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At November 21, 2017
Reviewed AtApril 24, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I had sex on the 1st, and my period due date is on the 5th. Though my husband did not cum in me, and he pulled out in time still, are there chances of pregnancy? My cycle is a regular one otherwise. I am just getting tensed. Please advice.


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It is your safe period. So, the chance of pregnancy is very remote.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thanks for your reply.

Shall I take an I-pill? We do not want to conceive as of now.


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I feel it is not needed as it is your non-fertile days. Only if there is delayed ovulation can one conceive, which is rare. It is up to you. I would not suggest the contraceptive pill, but if you are very apprehensive, you can consult your specialist doctor, discuss it with him or her and start taking medicine with their consent.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thanks for your reply.

It is the 4th today and I have not got my periods yet. I forgot to mention that on the 28th, I had white discharge. That could be an indication of ovulation? Please advice. I am getting stressed.


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White discharge cannot be certainly said as a sign of ovulation. Do not worry. Did you take the pill?

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

No, I did not take the pill. But now, I am totally stressed.


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Do not get stressed. Take the pill. You can take it even within 120 hours. So take it and be relaxed. If you get stressed, the period will automatically get delayed.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

Can I still take an I-pill? Will it work? I have heard that it delays the periods. So, I will end up getting paranoid. I am totally confused. What would that watery white discharge mean before my period? I have had cramps since yesterday and back pain, but not getting my periods.


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Yes, it will work. It might get back your periods rather than delaying as it causes a withdrawal bleeding very soon after you take it. Ignore the discharge. It can be premenstrual. Just relax. Your symptoms are more like a period on the way. Give it time.

Patient's Query

Thank you,

So, shall I take the I-pill or wait as my period is expected tomorrow?


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Take the pill. No harm. Your stress will reduce.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

You mentioned that it is my nonfertile period and I told u that he pulled out in time. So, what percentage chances are there that I conceived? I am actually scared of it and also want to stay away from side effects of the I-pill.


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If your cycles have always been regular and of 28 to 30 days interval, then it was your non-fertile period, and since there was no ejaculation, it further reduces the chances of pregnancy. I would say it is about 0.5 to 1 percent.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Vidya Muralidhar
Dr. Vidya Muralidhar

Obstetrics and Gynecology

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