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HomeAnswersSleep Medicinesleep disorderWhy do I have trouble sleeping after shoulder surgery?

Ever since I had shoulder surgery, I have been unable to sleep like earlier. Please help.

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Divakara. P

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At September 15, 2014
Reviewed AtFebruary 2, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 31 year old male. Avid weightlifter and I currently weigh about 208 lbs. Ever since I had shoulder surgery, I have been unable to sleep like earlier. I used to fall asleep wherever I was and stay asleep until multiple alarms would go off. These days, I am not able to sleep properly. I sleep for about one to two hours at a time, then wake up and then again sleep. I do this the whole night. It makes me quite tired the next day.

I have had multiple sleep studies done and there is no apnea or lack of oxygen. I have also tried tablet Ambien 12.5 mg and that gets me to three to four hours of sleep without waking up. But, I take that only on those days I know I can stay in bed for more than eight hours to make sure I am not groggy. It does not truly knock me out/make me sleep.

I have also tried Melatonin and Benadryl which showed no effects. I have also tried Buspar to see if that helped. No real effect either. I am getting stumped as to why my sleep cycle has changed and why nothing is working. Please help.

Answered by Dr. Divakara. P


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Sleep problems are mainly due to either psychological issues or actual physical problems in the body. Before actually going to the causes of physical problems, I need to know if there are any psychological issue bothering you.

  1. Do you have any stress, tension or depression due to personal or professional problems? If anything is there, do let me know.
  2. Also, do you take coffee, especially in late evenings and at night?
  3. Do you consume alcohol at night or do you smoke at night?
  4. Is there any change in your sleeping environment, like a new bed or new room or new bedspread?
  5. Do you sleep alone or with your spouse or pets?
  6. Also, excess acidity can cause sleep disturbance when you lie down.

Start taking capsule Omeprazole 20 mg every night half an hour before your dinner for two weeks and observe the response (this is an antacid medication and not a sleeping pill).

You had mentioned about your shoulder surgery. Are you on any medications for that? Or any other pain medicines?

Also, you can ask your doctor for a prescription of tablet Zolpidem 10 mg every night which will give you a good sleep. But again, this is a temporary fix. We need to find the root cause to cure it.

Kindly revert back with the details. Feel free to ask.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thank you very much for your response. The oddest part is, I used to sleep totally sound and never remember waking up and could function better even with less sleep before surgery. It seems since surgery my sleep cycle has been completely changed. I had a leg surgery long back but that never disrupted my sleep once I recovered.

I do not think there is a huge issue. I have always been one to make sure things are resolved before bed and tend to plan out my next day. But, I have always done that and the surgery has not bothered me.

I did change jobs recently and that has definitely helped me get up early in the morning. The atmosphere at the new job is much better. There is more responsibility and maybe I am stressful as well. I make sure that I get my work done.

I have never been diagnosed with depression or anything but there are times where I feel indifferent and I guess I just do not care. But I thought that stemmed from constantly being tired and frustrated that I could not sleep the way I used to.

I may have a cup of coffee once or twice a week, but that is only during the morning. I stay away from caffeinated drinks in the evening majority of the time.

No smoking ever and maybe a glass of wine or hard cider once every couple of weeks.

No change in the sleeping environment. I have already tried a new mattress and putting a mattress top on and off the bed with no change. My room does have room darkening shades as well. I also sleep alone.

I have been using the same sheets/comforter/pillows which I have used for years, just rotate them when it is time for a laundry.

I also take tablet Zantac in the mornings and sometimes at night. I tried Omeprazole but that caused severe weight gain for me. Therefore, I stopped that and went back to Zantac, the weight came right off again.

My workout and calories are carefully planned as well, as to maintain my weight.

I am not taking pain medicines or anything else. And there is no shoulder pain either. All I take daily is Xyzal 5 mg (for allergy), Zantac 150 mg, and Buspar 10 mg. I have also been trying Ambien CR 12.5 mg. It helps a bit but nothing like normal. I can tell it helps fall asleep quicker and instead of waking up every one to two hours without the pill, I only wake up every three to four hours when taking this tablet. So it does not completely knock me out.

Answered by Dr. Divakara. P


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Sometimes sleep problem post surgery may happen due to the anesthetic drug used, as they act on the brain and sleep centers. If you know what anesthetic drug was used during the leg surgery, kindly let me know.

So, as per your history, there are no such external causes which can disrupt your sleeping pattern. We need to find out if there are any physical problems in your body that are causing this sleep problem.

Also, you have mentioned that you are taking Buspar (Buspirone). One of the side effects of this drug is insomnia and sleep disorder. You might be getting the side effect of that drug. You might have been having sleep problems before starting Buspar also, but this medication is aggravating your problem. So I advise you to stop Buspar altogether.

Also, as advised earlier, start taking capsule Omeprazole 20 mg every night half an hour before your dinner for two weeks and observe the response (This is to control hypersecretion of acid in the stomach at night which may disturb your sleep).

Follow these instructions and observe for two weeks.

Revert back after two weeks to a sleep medicine physician online for further follow up --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sleep-medicine-physician

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Divakara. P
Dr. Divakara. P

Internal Medicine

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