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HomeAnswersPsychotherapypost traumatic stress disorderI think I have PTSD as I am unable to stop overthinking. Please help.

How can I stop PTSD from getting worse?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At February 9, 2021
Reviewed AtMay 30, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am not diagnosed with depression or on medication, but I think I have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) because I am unable to stop overthinking about it as if I have too much health anxiety or concern. I am unable to keep still in one place. I get tensed and easily triggered by conflict, or drama, or when I hear someone raising their voice, or when they criticize me. My social relationships and skills are deteriorating, and I cannot tolerate the pain because it gives me panic attacks, and I relive conflict in my body all the time. I cannot sleep more than a certain amount of hours. If I have to get up, I just wake up and cannot go back again to sleep. Because of the panic attacks and waking nightmare experiences, I have to go through a really long day of real and imaginary conflicts, and if there was no stress in my day, it feels like my body can create it for me and that I deserve it. I feel too afraid of judgments or having to adjust to change. I have had these symptoms for more than 12 months, and I guess they are getting worse.

I think I have trauma, but I am not sure. I started to have so many confusing thoughts about people betraying me or finding out my vulnerability. I am sure that some people are trying to get me in some way. I am more prone to have 'escape plans' in my mind and detailed scenario on a daily basis. My body is even used to playing the role of surviving, or the victim, to the point of comfortable familiarity. I am afraid I have not especially been present to anything important or anything I love. I have so much emptiness, and I think I can or have less fear when it comes to the thought of self-harming or having to defend myself with force if it had to happen. I am less careful about outcomes, and I think I can be really aggressive without guilt to myself or people, which is something my mind started to think about all the time. I am not talking about suicide or harming people. I just feel a strength that needs to be used. I cannot release this extra energy on people because they will be disappointed, but I feel very paced in my thoughts, and I cannot stop them now if I leave this to get worse. Please help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read the information you have given, and I understood what you have been going through, and I would like to help you out.

According to the details you have provided, it looks like you are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder, which needs to be treated at the earliest. I recommend you consult a psychiatrist in your region for medications for your anxiety and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The Probable causes

Stress factors.

Investigations to be done

Complete blood picture. Thyroid profile. Random blood sugar.

Probable diagnosis

Generalized anxiety disorder.

Treatment plan

Consult psychiatrist for medications.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Siva Anoop Yella
Dr. Siva Anoop Yella


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