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HomeAnswersOrthodontistorthodontic treatmentIf I were to remove the braces without using a retainer, what would be the outcome?

What are the potential outcomes of removing braces without wearing a retainer?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At September 27, 2023
Reviewed AtSeptember 27, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have been wearing metal braces for ten months with the intention of undergoing surgery to correct my underbite and crossbite. However, my insurance did not cover the surgery, worsening my bite and negative changes in my facial features. These changes include a narrower face, a pointy chin, and an increased size of the underbite. I am concerned about the potential outcomes after removing my braces and not wearing a retainer. Will my teeth return to their previous state? Will my facial features revert back to their previous appearance? Unfortunately, my orthodontist is currently on vacation for a few weeks, and I am uncertain about the options available. Please help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have read your query and understood your concern.

I am sorry to hear about the negative experience regarding the outcome of your orthognathic surgery. There is a very slim chance that you will regain your old facial features after completing your orthodontic treatment and not wearing retainers. Retainers are meant to hold your teeth in their new positions and prevent them from relapsing or returning to misaligned positions. The amount of relapse that may occur cannot be predicted in advance. Therefore, not wearing retainers would result in losing the alignment achieved through braces. I strongly suggest you wear your retainers as scheduled once the braces are removed. Regarding facial changes, the face is primarily shaped by the underlying bones. In orthognathic surgery, the position of these bones is altered, which can be visible on the face. However, this is less connected to the placement of the teeth. Not wearing retainers would mainly impact the teeth, not the bones. Consequently, it is not realistically possible to regain your previous facial features. Please feel free to get back for any related queries or information.

Best regards.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thanks for the earlier reply. I never had the surgery. My face has changed with braces (no extractions) because it has caused my underbite to stick out further. So if my teeth moved back, would it not change what has changed in my appearance? Kindly answer. Thank you.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

Sincere apologies for the misinterpretation of the insurance and surgery statement. When braces are put on, they tend to level out the teeth and align them in a beautiful arch form. Once they are aligned, the orthodontist re-evaluates the situation and then decides if extraction is required. As you mentioned, they have moved out a bit, causing the cheeks to sink in. Teeth have a natural tendency to migrate forward and erupt more. So, I see they will only go back if you extract or use any means to take them back. I want to look at your face from the front and lateral view to evaluate if the teeth and jaws are really forward or give a false interpretation. Kindly share the photographs, and I will guide you further.

Kind regards.

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Dr. Mayank Khandelwal
Dr. Mayank Khandelwal


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