Can echo and abdominal USG differ in hypertensive patients?

Q. What do variations in echo and USG of the abdomen in a hypertensive patient indicate?

Answered by
Dr. Muhammad Zohaib Siddiq
and medically reviewed by Dr. K Shobana
This is a premium question & answer published on May 04, 2023 and last reviewed on: Dec 14, 2023

Hello doctor,

My father is 67 years old. He has blood pressure and is under medication. He is currently taking Dilnip-T 40 every alternate day and his blood pressure is under control. He also suffered from a COVID delta variant one year back for which he took an antibody cocktail treatment. Recently we took a health check-up for him which included an ultrasound of the abdomen, urine analysis, blood check, and ECG along with an echo. His ECG was normal but the echo showed some findings like Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction, trivial MR, sclerosed aortic valve, and mild TR. His ultrasound also showed some findings like Grade 1 fatty liver and prostatomegaly with significant post-void residual urine volume of 30cc. I am attaching all the medical reports. Could you check and advise if his heart health is okay? Also, his ultrasound shows he has fatty liver and enlarged prostate. Is this something serious? Kindly help.



Welcome to

Thank you for your query. I went through his reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity). ECG (electrocardiogram) is normal. Echocardiography findings are also fine. Sclerosis of the aortic valve is a normal aging phenomenon that is present in 50 % of people who are above the age of 50. Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction may be due to hypertension. Keep the blood pressure in control to 130/80 mmHg and reduce salt in the diet. I hope this has helped you. Thank you.

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