Are my psychiatric medicines the cause of high blood pressure?

Q. Can psychiatric medicines cause high blood pressure?

Answered by
Dr. Prashant Valecha
and medically reviewed by Dr. Sneha Kannan
This is a premium question & answer published on Jan 24, 2016 and last reviewed on: Dec 13, 2023

Hi doctor,

I am 24 year old and weigh 154 pounds. My blood pressure is on a higher side with readings around 150/90 always. I have a history of depression and ADHD. I am currently on medication for depression and blood pressure and have been prescribed Nexito Forte, Skizoril 12.5 mg for depression and Nexovas 10 mg and Nebimac 5 mg for BP by my psychiatrist. Now, I have been referred to a cardiologist by my psychiatrist for further investigations for high blood pressure. Could the high blood pressure be a side effect of my psychiatric medicines? Or is it something else? I have been under psychiatric medicines for the past 10 to 12 years. Thank you.



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You are already on blood pressure (BP) medicines tablet Nexovas (Cilnidipine) and Nebimac (Nebivolol). Tablet Nebimac controls heart rate. Psychiatric medicines may affect heart rate, but not that significant to affect BP (BP=Cardiac output x heart rate). And the benefit of psychiatric drugs is more important than small side effects. Maybe your cardiologist will the increased dose of Nexovas or add some other drug. But at 24 years, the cause of high BP is not like high BP of old age which is mostly idiopathic (unknown cause due to aging). At a young age, there can be a secondary cause for high BP like renal hypertension. Go for regular jogging or brisk walk 20 to 30 minutes every day and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. To know that, I would suggest you get a few tests such as ultrasound of abdomen, renal function test is advisable and kindly do that or discuss with your cardiologist, if not done yet, and serum electrolytes.

Hello doctor,

I am yet to visit the cardiologist, as I have been referred to consult him today. Apart from the cause mentioned by you, is there any other possible reason for this? After having BP medicines daily, I still have occasional anxiety, little dizziness and light headache. Are these side effects of BP medicine? Also, I do walk for around 30 to 35 kilometers in a day from office to home, but I am confined to my office chair for nearly 8-9 hours with small breaks in between.



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Anxiety surely is a cause for BP. I suggest you though your medicines also will reduce anxiety; add meditation or pranayama in your life. It will help with both anxiety and BP. What I wanted to tell that besides anxiety, BP (hypertension) in young adults should be screened for renal cause. And if there is no problem from kidney side, your doctor must add another class of antihypertensive drug (ACE inhibitors), which help to reduce BP and also protect the heart from the side effects of BP. Do not worry. In your case, I think it is mostly due to anxiety.

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