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HomeAnswersInternal MedicinehyperacidityWhy am I having dull abdominal pain on and off for three months?

I have dull abdominal pain on and off for three months. Kindly suggest some remedy.

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. K. Shobana

Published At August 3, 2021
Reviewed AtNovember 30, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am 25 years old with a weight of 76 kilograms and a height of five feet five inches. I have dull abdominal pain on and off for around three months. It seems to be more on the right side. I always remain bloated and it gets worse when I work. I usually work for 12 hours on shifts. I stand for a long time on my feet. Is this have any link with my abdominal pain?


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I think that you have hyperacidity since you work for 12 hours at a stretch. Your eating habits and intervals can be changed due to work. You are overweight. Please mention whether you are doing any regular exercise and walking. Change your eating habits. Avoid eating spicy foods, root vegetables, and excess non-vegetarian foods. You can take a bland diet for some days and slowly add spices. Avoid eating for a full stomach. Eat 3/4th of your stomach capacity. You can increase the times of eating and reduce the intervals in between taking foods to three hours. You can grab light foods in between your work every three hours so that your stomach acid can get reduced and these acids do not tend to burn your stomach layers. Take plenty of fluids and water. Avoid taking excess starch and carbs. Keep your stomach light, but do not make yourself hungry. Do walking and exercise daily, so your digestion can get improved. Try this for 15 days and get back to me. Take care and regards.

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Dr. Radha Peruvemba Hariharan


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