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I had oral sex. I am diagnosed with herpes type 1 & 2. I have flu like symptoms. Do I have HIV?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At October 16, 2014
Reviewed AtJanuary 21, 2022

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

About 4 weeks ago, I got oral sex from a partner whose HIV status is unknown to me. I did only that with her. I always thought that it represented no risk of contamination to HIV. Now the thing is that about 1 week after that intercourse, I did a general blood test and found out that I have herpes type 1 and 2. I am aware that herpes increases the risk of contamination to HIV. But when I received the oral sex, I did not have any visible sore on my penis. Now about 4 to 5 weeks post that intercourse, I started to have flu-like symptoms (fatigue, sore throat, etc.) and several mouth ulcers. Could it be a sign of HIV or is it nothing as I was not exposed to anything and did not have an open sore on my penis when I had oral sex?

Answered by Dr. Meha Malhotra


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Firstly pre-existing lesion of herpes or any genital ulcer on the penis during sexual intercourse or oral sex increases the chances of HIV transmission. Your blood report came positive for Herpes 1 and 2. Herpes 1 mostly causes oral ulcers, and herpes 2 causes genital lesions. And there are two tests, Herpes IgG, which indicates any past infection or subclinical exposure and herpes IgM, which indicates active infection. Please tell me which test was positive in your case.

Coming to your symptoms, they may be suggestive of the acute HIV syndrome. To rule out HIV, please get a western blot test done for HIV 1 and 2 at the earliest. ELISA test, which is generally done for HIV will be negative in the window period (4 to 6 weeks after contracting HIV). Also get an ELISA for HIV done 8 weeks after your exposure. If it is negative, get a repeat test done after 3 and 6 months for understanding.

Please tell me a few details to help you better. Did you have sexual intercourse also? If yes, you need to get a few more tests done to rule out other STD's. Did the person who performed oral sex have any oral or genital lesions?

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Meha Malhotra
Dr. Meha Malhotra


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