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HomeAnswersPediatricshirschsprung diseaseMy son has abdominal swelling after Hirschsprung disease operation. Please help.

What causes stomach edema after a Hirschsprung surgery?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At August 23, 2016
Reviewed AtMay 16, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

My son is 2 years old. He had a problem with stool passage and Hirschsprung disease. Last month, with the guidance of doctor laparoscopy and colonic biopsy were done under trans and endorectal pull-through operation. But, for the last two weeks, he is suffering from abdominal distention that is colon distention. His symptoms are vomiting (sometime blood is also coming), swelling on intestine and failure in transitional stool. Doctor said that some stool has got stuck in the intestine and we have to do surgery again. Currently he is hospitalized and antibiotics are going on. What is the problem and what we should do now?

Kindly guide us.


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I have gone through the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and your history as well.

1. As per the report, there is an obstruction in the intestine due to the local infection, which generally happens post surgery in some cases.

2. I would suggest you to follow up with the surgeon, who has operated your child, as he knows the case well.

3. This is a common problem in the operated cases of Hirschsprung (poor muscle movement of the intestine). So, need not worry. Just be patient and leave the decision to the doctors. Please go ahead and follow the doctors advise, your child will be alright soon.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

Please find the attached recent sonography report. His recent treatment includes injection Zostum 500, injection Amikacin, injection Metrogyl and syrup Cremaffin.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I have gone through the reports and query as well (attachment removed to protect patient identity).

1. The surgeon has started the child on the antibiotics and also he has suggested for enema, which is part of the treatment.

2. It has to be done to prevent further infection and it would be better if we give rest to the infected area that is the intestines so that it can heal faster.

3. Generally, if the child is admitted, then he might be kept nil by mouth and started on IV fluids for at least three to five days and slowly start orally.

4. If the child is not admitted, then your doctor would suggest you the diet mostly liquids. Please follow their instructions and advice.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh


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