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HomeAnswersDermatologyhair lossI am suffering from hair loss problem, and my hair has stopped growing. Please help?

How can a 26-year-old woman overcome the problem of hair loss?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 9, 2023
Reviewed AtSeptember 26, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 26-year-old woman with a height of 5'4" and a weight of approximately 123.46 Ibs. I am suffering from a hair loss problem for three years and my hair does not grow more than my neck level. I have tried almost every remedy and even consulted with a doctor in my area, but that did not work out either. The doctor prescribed me a Minoxidil solution and I used it, but that was the worst thing that I have done to my hair. I did not know that Minoxidil does not suit most people. After using the Minoxidil solution it was fine until I finished the bottle. However, when I stopped using it, my hair fell drastically and almost stopped growing. Since that time my hair has not grown more than ear or neck length. I used to have thick hair that extended to my waist. I am always depressed about my hair, and people around me are shocked and ask me about it. Kindly help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I have read your query and can understand your concern.

I have gone through the details provided from your end. Kindly provide the following details for better diagnosis:

1. Any family history of hair loss?

2. Any underlying medical conditions you may be having and any medications being taken currently?

3. Any history of infections in the past prior to hair loss including COVID infections, chicken pox, dengue, typhoid, or any minor or major surgeries done?

4. Any history of travel, stress, or dandruff since the past three years?

5. Any history of childbirth or pregnancy prior to hair loss?

6. Are any blood tests done to rule out vitamin or mineral deficiencies?

7. Any other medications other than Minoxidil used? Or are any procedures done for hair fall?

8. Any history of using smoothening or straightening agents, gels, creams, or serums on hair?

Apart from the same, kindly provide a clear image of the affected area for assessment of the severity which would be helpful in diagnosing the condition better and providing the appropriate treatment for the same.

Kindly revert back with the details.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you doctor for the reply,

1. My mother had some hair loss issues at a young age, but she has quite good hair according to age 53. I mean she does not have severe issues like mine.

2. I have a sinus problem and I take some homeopathy medicine for that. It is getting better day by day. I am also allergic to dust.

3. I do not have any infections or diseases like the ones you mentioned above, and neither have I had any surgeries done.

4. Yes, I have some stress issues and some dandruff. Dandruff was there when I used to have thick hair but it is not that severe now. When I comb I can see a little bit of it.

5. No, I have not given birth to any child.

6. No I have not done any blood tests regarding vitamin or mineral deficiencies yet.

7. Yes, I used to take a Renocia tablet for hair prescribed by that doctor.

8. No I have never done any smoothening, straightening, or other similar things.

My scalp is not empty, I have hair on my scalp, but the biggest problem is growth. My hair has just stopped growing like before, and it does not grow more than ear or neck length.

Please help me out, doctor.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

After going through the details provided from your end as well as viewing the images "(attachment removed to protect the patient's identity).", it seems like the density and volume of your hair is most affected.

My advice :

1. Blood test: CBC (complete blood count), S (serum) Vitamin B12, S (serum) vitamin D3, TFT (thyroid function test), S (serum). Ferritin, S (serum) Iron, FAI (free androgen index) , S (serum) Zinc. These tests will be beneficial in ruling out vitamin or mineral deficiencies to know the presence of hormonal fluctuations. One of the main reasons, other than having a family history of hair loss is, vitamin, mineral or hormonal variations which may cause hair loss.

2. Anaboom anti-hair fall hair serum: Apply daily at night for at least one year continuously. Use one ml quantity on the scalp and massage in at night on a clean, dry scalp. Wash off in the morning after leaving them overnight. Use daily for one year, and after one year reduce it by a day. For example: if used once daily for one year, for the next six months use six times a week, then five times a week in the next six months and so on. It is important to taper down.

3. Tablet- Follihair new, once daily after dinner for three months.

4. Anaboom anti-hair fall shampoo once a week or once every three days (depending on formation of oil on scalp). Mix four drops of the shampoo with a small quantity of water for dilution and apply on scalp, massage for four minute, leave for three mins and wash off.

5. Use deep conditioning treatment hair mask once a week after shampooing. Apply on hair shaft from mid shaft to tip of hair, massage for one minute, leave for five mins and wash off for making hair shaft smoother and reducing breaking of hair while combing thereafter.

6. PRP ( platelet rich plasma) for scalp is a great treatment done at a dermatologist's clinic. In this technique, around 18 ml of your blood sample will be drawn and spun in a centrifugal machine to release normal growth factors within the blood which are naturally present. Once they are activated, the plasma with the growth factors are drawn within an insulin syringe and injected in your scalp. Usually done once a month for siz sessions. They help with stimulating hair growth, reducing hair fall, helps with dandruff, and increasing density of hair. Make sure to consult a dermatologist in person to undergo the procedure. There are no side effects and are inexpensive.

7. B protein powder one tablespoon mixed with skimmed milk in the morning after breakfast daily for two months. It helps with hair growth for which proteins are essential.

8. Make sure to eat healthy and have a balanced diet. Consume at least 10 to 12 glasses of water per day.

Kindly revert back with the blood reports for providing supplements in case of changes in the value.

Hope this helps.

Thank you and take care.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you doctor for your reply,

I was going through the test prices, and some of them are really costly for me, for example- vitamin B12, D3, and FAI (free androgen index).

Should I get them done or are there any other options available that would be convenient for me? I do not feel any dizziness or weakness or any other common symptoms of vitamin deficiency. I always drink more than 12 glasses of water per day and I do not consume junk food. Can I consume B protein powder with lukewarm water? Because I cannot drink milk as I cannot tolerate that smell, but I eat homemade sour curd, paneer.

Which flavors of B protein powder would be good? Except for chocolate which I do not eat.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

You may undergo the tests except for Vitamin B 12 and FAI (free androgen index). Vitamin D test is beneficial in detecting deficiencies as they are directly linked to hair loss. I am glad to know that you do not consume junk food. Consuming 10 to 12 glasses of water for a young female is more than enough as overhydration also has consequences. You may absolutely consume protein powder with water.

Eight protein powders are available in different flavors including mango and vanilla, which are suitable alternatives.

Hope this helps.

Thank you and take care.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you dotor for the reply.

Is there any test that needs to be done on an empty stomach?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern..

No, fasting is not required for any tests which are mentioned above.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you doctor for the reply.

Can I continue those medicines for a month and then come back to you with the test reports? What is the minimum time to notice some results after using the serum, shampoo and tablet?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I read your query and can understand your concern.

The tests reports mentioned above would be available within 6 to 8 hours once the blood sample has been provided in any laboratory. In case you would prefer a consultation following a month, you may absolutely do so. Your convenience is important here. Blood tests help in detecting the underlying deficiencies better. Multivitamin tablets as mentioned above may interfere with the test results. However, if you are more convenient with a test post medication, you may definitely consider the same and revert back in a month with the reports and further details. In the time being, you may also undergo PRP (platelet rich plasma) for scalp for better and faster results.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you doctor for the reply.

How much would be the cost per session for PRP (platelet rich plasma)?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I have read your query and understand your concern.

The cost varies in different clinics. Please consult a dermatologist in your city.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you doctor for your reply,

Apart from hair problems, I have some skin issues too, like acne on my butt cheeks and strawberry legs which are ingrown hair. These are so irritating, and no matter how much I keep my skin moisturized, it is never enough to prevent them. What should I do about these things? Please help.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I have read your query and understand your concern.

Acne on the buttocks is quite common due to the stagnation of sweat, moisture, and excess sebum secretion. Along with this, constant sitting posture may also increase the formation of acne, this condition is known as folliculitis.

I suggest the following treatment:

1. Acne soap for cleaning the affected area. Apply after lathering with water and leave for three mins and wash off.

2. Clindamycin gel, which may be applied twice daily on the affected pimple area for reducing the acne as well as reducing the intensity of pigmentation on the affected area.

3. Make sure to keep the area clean and devoid of stagnation of moisture and sweat as much as possible.

4. Dusting powder or any talcum powder may also be used for absorption of the excess sweat and moisture on the buttocks area.

For strawberry legs,

1. Avoid shaving too close to the skin

2. Use warm compresses on the affected area once daily

3. Creams containing Urea may be used as a moisturizer twice daily on the affected area.

4. Keep the razor clean and try to use new razors whenever possible

5. Laser hair reduction for semi-permanent hair reduction instead of using razors or other hair removal methods may be considered to prevent the possibility of ingrown hair.

Hope this helps.

Thank you and take care.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I have attached my blood test reports. I did these tests before taking medicines.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

As per the reports (attachments removed to protect the patient's identity), there is vitamin D deficiency which is directly linked to hair loss.

My advice:

1. Cap. Lumia 60k IU (vitamin D) once a week after food for 6 weeks and then once a month for 6 months. Make sure to retest following this period.

2. Make sure to continue the rest of the medication as earlier.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Can you write the name of the medicine like any regular prescription? This medicine is not available without a prescription.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I have written a prescription. Consume once a week for 6 weeks and once a month for 6 months. However, this medication is also available without a prescription. I have not provided any medications that are available only with a prescription. Kindly write down the medications and consult a medical store, they will provide you with the medications.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty
Dr. Sandhya Narayanan Kutty


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