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HomeAnswersInternal MedicinegerdI have a bad taste and sore throat. May it be acid reflux?

What are the manifestations of GERD?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At January 9, 2023
Reviewed AtDecember 11, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have struggled with a bad taste in my mouth, a sore throat for eight weeks, and hiccups. I went to an ENT they put a tube down my nose to see the throat and told it may be acid reflux. I was asked to consult a gastroenterologist.

Kindly advise.


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This can be due to GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Any burning chest pain? Any belching or burping? Has any acid reflux medication started? Please reply to the above questions, so I can better guide you.


Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I do not have burping or chest pain. I have been taking the tablet Omeprazole started a few weeks ago. But making no difference. Does it appear serious?

As mentioned, the ENT specialist put a camera down the nose, but would I need a gastroentrologist? I have been very anxious recently. I do not have weight loss.


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No, this is not a serious issue. But we should treat it promptly once diagnosed.

What were the ENT doctor's findings?

Did he refer to a Gastroenterologist?

It is better to start the Pantoprazole tablet with a tablet Levosulpiride combination twice a day before food.

Do you have any bad habits like smoking or alcohol?

Patient's Query


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

ENT doctor said everything was normal with the throat, and the problem is possibly due to acid reflux. Is that a good sign, given that the throat was clear, or can we read anything into that? They did not tell me I would need to go Gastrologist; I have referred myself. I am just going to Gastrologist as a matter of reassurance, but I know they will not do the procedure next week as it is a private consultation. They want to chat with you first, so the procedure will be a couple of weeks a way.


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So if your throat is clear and normal, the possibility of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) related symptoms is very less. But better to get done upper gastrointestinal endoscopy if possible because this is the best way to rule out GERD. If GERD is there, the possibility of Helicobacter Pylori infection is also there. So, in that case, you may need antibiotics also.

Any bad habits like smoking or alcohol?

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have been tested for Helicobacter Ploryi, which was negative via stool test. No bad habits. I never smoked nor have the habits of drinking. My diet has been poor lately due to a lot of anxiety. Could I have acid reflux without GERD?


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I suggest you to get Gastrointestinal endoscopy and the Helicobacter Pylori test from an endoscopy done. It is more accurate. Are you taking any anxiety medication? Do you have anxiety for what? Health issues?

Kindly revert with the answers.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)

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