Common "Gerd" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


The full form of GERD is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This disease affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the ring of muscle connecting your esophagus and stomach, causing the acid to flow back to the throat from the stomach. The symptoms are heartburn, chest pain, chronic cough, and difficulty swallowing.

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I have heartburn and acid reflux for more than 10 years. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor, I have suffered from reflux for over 10 years now, but usually quite manageable. It waxes and wanes. There are periods where I can have no symptoms, eat trigger foods without problems, and take Gaviscon now and then, and there are periods where I have to take 40 mg of PPI daily to keep ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your history and seen the report of gastric scintigraphy (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You do not have gastroparesis, a fraction of 25% at 2 hours post-meal within the stomach is a normal finding. Ideally, it should have been done for...  Read Full »

I have frequent acid reflux and sleeplessness. Why?

Query: Hi doctor, I have consistent acid reflux when I wake up and until I go to sleep for about three weeks now. It is so bad now that I can not just eat. My mouth tastes to have a nice and yummy food. I get upper back and chest pains when I am lying down at night. I have been checked out by my cardiologi...  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You seem to have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). I would advise you to take a combination of Pantoprazole and Domperidone for the reflux. Also, you should take a soft and balanced diet. You should also put a pillow below your head when you sleep. Make a habit ...  Read Full »

I have been having bloating, GERD, and belching with pain. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a lot of problems with my stomach, like abdominal bloating, belching, stomach fullness all the time, and occasional GERD, which causes a lot of pain. I have been on depression medications for a long time. Many of the medicines do not suit me and make the problem of GERD very bad...  Read Full »

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Answer: Hello, Thanks for your question on icliniq. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the history you have given. By your history and description, the possibility of uncontrolled GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more likely. Not only drugs but lifestyle modifications are also re...  Read Full »

I have mild pain in my chest and left hand. Why?

Query: Hello doctor,I am an 18-year-old boy. I have a fear I might have a cardiac arrest. I have mild chest pains and pain in my left hand. I have already done echo and TMT tests. Both came out negative. The doctors say that my heart is healthy. But I still fear I have some condition or something might hap...  Read Full »

Dr. Sagar Ramesh Makode

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Firstly, you need to understand that the chest has multiple structures besides the heart, like lungs, food pipes, muscles, bones, etc. So, each one can cause pain and often lead to pain in hand as well. Secondly, considering your age, the possibility of heart issues ...  Read Full »

I feel like going to the toilet whenever I eat anything. Why so?

Query: Hello doctor, Whatever I eat I feel like using the toilet. I also have gastritis and acid reflux issues. What type of food should I avoid in my diet and how to prevent my symptoms? I also get a continuous cough. Is this due to the acid that comes out of my mouth? What are the foods that can cure a...  Read Full »

Dr. Raveendran S R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. From the symptoms, (especially the sour liquid) you are facing, it can be due to gastritis or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). I suggest you follow the recommendations suggested below. 1. Avoid trigger foods including spicy f...  Read Full »

I have GERD and adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder. Is it cancerous?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 59-year-old woman. I have a history of GERD, colon polyps, asthma, anxiety, and depression. Two years ago I was diagnosed with pancreatitis after a routine endoscopy. After the pancreatitis, I had an MRCP that revealed adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder. For the past few months...  Read Full »

Dr. Ghulam Fareed

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concern. I have reviewed your case history and investigations 1. Adenomyomatosis itself is a benign condition and relatively common. The chances of adenomyomatosis converting into cancer are very low. 2. Radiology (ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans) ...  Read Full »

My stomach lining is thick, and I have loose motions, diarrhea, and nausea. Should I be worried?

Query: Hello doctor, A recent abdominal CT scan at the ER for a possible kidney stone was normal in every respect, except radiology report stated a very slight 'thickening in the stomach lining'. I had a normal endoscopy three years ago, which diagnosed a small hiatal hernia, but no other clinical findings...  Read Full »

Dr. Settipalli Saravan Pramod

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query. I just want to enlighten you that your CT scan report was quite normal and there is nothing to get tensed about. I just want to clarify about your issue regarding the 'thickening in the stomach lining'. As your endoscopy report shows that you had a�...  Read Full »

I feel a bead-sized lump in my throat. What could it be?

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 24-year-old male. I do not drink but I have a four-year history of smoking tobacco/vaping. I have been using nicotine-free smoke for the past six months. Also, I have been recently diagnosed with GERD and I am taking Omeprazole when needed. I rarely take Omeprazole once or twice a w...  Read Full »

Dr. Chibitam Hope Obia

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I can understand your concern. I feel very sorry about your medical condition. Do not worry since I am here to take care of you. Regarding your symptoms, I believe that you have a benign mass in the throat caused by tobacco intake. Please do an upper GI (gastrointestin...  Read Full »

Please look at my report and say whether I have HIV?

Query: Hi doctor, My routine blood report is as follows. WBC - 13700, neutrophils - 76%, lymphocytes - 19%, eosinophils - 02%, monocytes - 03%, basophil - 0%, RBC- 4.5, HCT - 39.8, MCV - 84.5, MCH - 27, MCHC - 32, Hb - 12.5, platelets - 410000 and vitamin B12 - 184. WBC is above the maximum for over a ...  Read Full »

Dr. Prakash. H. M.

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Based on your query, my opinion is as follows: Elevated WBC (white blood cell) count is secondary to increased neutrophils. Neutrophils here appear to be increased secondary to infections. Irregular periods and low bleeding were possibly due to hypothyroidism. Reduced...  Read Full »

What could be the reason for mild cold with throat infection and swallowing difficulty?

Query: Hello doctor, I have had a mild cold symptoms over three weeks ago. Because of this global pandemic I got stressed and started feeling chest pain and abdominal muscle pain, etc. I did not have a fever, like not a single day. So I know that chest pain can occur due to stress and anxiety and to make...  Read Full »

Dr. Peter Bryant Rapsing Grutas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Most common symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, and dyspnea. You mentioned you do not have fever, cough nor dyspnea so it is least likely you have Covid-19. Moreso, your lungs were clear. However, since we are in a pandemic, observation and self-quarantine is still ...  Read Full »

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