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HomeAnswersUrologyfrequent urinationWhat is the reason for frequent urination in a non-diabetic patient?

Why causes frequent urination if one is not diabetic?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At October 25, 2019
Reviewed AtMay 13, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am urinating in every five minutes interval of time daily. This problem does not occur for about ten days in a month. Why the frequency of urine increases though I do not drink excess water. Sometimes in the night, there is a burning sensation. I have the feeling to urinate, but when I go for urine, it is not coming, and I feel the burning sensation. I do not have diabetes. I have this issue for more than one year. I thought it was due to my study pressure, but this time I do not have any study pressure instead, it happens. I have done the uroflowmetry test.


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This can occur due to stress or due to prostate gland swelling. Since it is occurring only some days of a month, stress is the more likely cause. You can share your uroflow and other reports here. If you have done urine routine tests, RBS (random blood sugar), and Sonography of the KUB (kidney, ureter, and bladder) region, you can share those also. Whenever you start getting frequent urination, take TerolLA-2 (Tolterodine Tartrate) once daily. Try relaxation exercises and try to extend urine holding time by five to ten minutes. Take less fluids at night and avoid tea, coffee, and cold drinks after 6 pm.

Patient's Query

how u people can rule out overactive bladder plz tell me here i m uploading all reports to u there is a problem in urinary bladder and what is the reason behind this how it can be treated plz tell can my frequency of urination ends or not plz reply
overactive bladder is a diagnosis made after excluding all other possibilities like infection, stone etc. from your reports you have obstructed stream due to prostatitis or non relaxing bladder neck with episodic overactive bladder symptoms. treatment will be tab Flotral once daily after dinner to continue for 6 months. and cap Terol-LA once daily sos if frequency increases. take care

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Saurabh Subhash Pandya
Dr. Saurabh Subhash Pandya


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