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HomeAnswersRheumatologyelevated igaAlpha 2 Globulin and Gamma Globulin are High. What Does This Mean?

My alpha 2 globulin and gamma globulin are high. What does this mean?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At April 9, 2018
Reviewed AtJuly 13, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I tested positive for an autoimmune disease. My titers were 1280. I then had more blood work done by a rheumatologist and just now received some back online. I noticed my alpha 2 globulin was high (1.12) and my gamma globulin was pretty high as well. The rest were normal on the protein electrophoresis. What does this mean?


Welcome to icliniq.com.

You have not mentioned which autoimmune disease test has come positive. High levels of alpha 2 globulin are seen when there is a loss of albumin via urine because alpha 2 is a large molecule. It does not pass kidney filtration. So, it is retained because it is a component of globulin. That is the reason for high levels of globulin in the blood. You need to test your 24-hour urinary protein which will tell whether you are losing protein in urine or not.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

They have not given me an exact diagnosis. My family doctor got the positive ANA and sent me to a rheumatologist whom I have only seen once for the blood work I just had. He said my blood work from my family doctor showed inflammation in my body and given my symptoms of fatigue, body aches, headaches, low-grade fevers, and joint pain, he put me in Plaquenil to start with. I see him again in three months and I have not heard back yet about my blood work because I am waiting on the results. He did a urinalysis and it was negative for protein but did have blood in my urine along with red blood cells and white blood cells, high epithelial cells. Could this mean anything along with high alpha 2 and gamma? I am waiting on anti-u1rnp and DNA AB double-strand ELISA results.


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

There is a possibility of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) or UCTD (undifferentiated connective tissue disease). So, Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) is a good drug at this stage as suggested by your symptoms. So, just wait for the rest of the investigations. They will guide us for future treatment.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey
Dr. Ashaq Hussain Parrey


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