Common "Dry Throat" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dry Throat

A dry throat is a common symptom that is especially seen during the cold winter months where the air is dry, and so there is an increased rate of spread of upper respiratory infections. A dry throat can be cured by drinking plenty of water, gargling with warm salt water, get rest until you feel better, etc.

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Please suggest treatment for lump inside throat with no pain and difficulty in swallowing.

Query: Hello doctor, For the last six weeks, I have a feeling like a lump inside my throat on my right side. No pain, no problem with swallowing. It also feels a little dry if that makes sense, and it is worse when I workout with open mouth breathing. I think my tonsil is bigger on that side although I do ...  Read Full »

Dr. Shyam Kalyan. N

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The pictures are very clear. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It appears you have a milk reflux problem that is causing these symptoms. Additionally, there seems to be a small element of post nasal drip chasing the dryness and worsening of lump feeling...  Read Full »

My throat and mouth gets dry at night. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, For two years, I wake up in the night with dry throat and mouth and blocked sinuses. Back of mouth or throat is also coated with unpleasant, pale yellow scum on waking (during the day, I am fine). I saw ENT doctor a month ago, diagnosed inflamed sinuses and prescribed four months of st...  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammed Osama Aboborda

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I think that you need to perform a CT scan for your nose and sinuses. There may be a surgical cause for your naso-sinal problems as polyps, deviated septum or hypertrophied turbinates. Perform the scan then show it to me. Do you have excessive sneezing or rhinorrhea? Do y...  Read Full »

Why is no antibiotic effective for my throat infection?

Query: Hi doctor, I have had an inflamed, dry, and red throat, tender neck glands, and white film on the tongue, for about six weeks. I took 500 mg of Azithromycin, but it does not work. I have then prescribed two doses of Diflucan (200 mg each, I believe), and Nystatin swish and swallow neither worked fo...  Read Full »

Dr. Sugreev Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If an antibiotic is not effective in tablet form, you should take it in an injection form. And one more thing with antibiotics there should be an antacid to digest them quickly and to protect from acidity or stomach discomfort. Along with antibiotics, which helped you r...  Read Full »

Are my acid reflux and stress in the past years causing me throat problems?

Query: Hi doctor, I have had weird throat symptoms for months now. My throat does not hurt or bother me too much. It just feels like I need to swallow a lot and after swallowing a lot sometimes it feels like a lump in my throat. I also feel dryness sometimes. I looked at my throat in the mirror last night ...  Read Full »

Dr. Alok Rathi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I do not find anything serious here. It is just chronic pharyngitis, probably due to the problem of acid reflux for a long duration. There is something called globus pharyngeus. It is a sensation that something is present in the throat when actually nothing is there. When...  Read Full »

I have fever, and tiredness since yesterday. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have had a dry nose, a dry throat, a mild fever, and tiredness since yesterday. I recently relocated to a colder region, and I was exposed to a lot of physical activities over the weekend. Please help. Thank you.   Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Andrews

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. Based on the symptoms you described, it is more likely that you are experiencing the common cold or flu mostly viral. It is also important to note that exposure to colder temperatures and physical activity can weaken the immune system, m...  Read Full »

I have throat dryness and difficulty breathing. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 21 years old female, 92 pounds weight 5 feet 3 inches height. I have been having a throat dryness and difficulty in breathing and also an abdominal pain. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Your workup has to be done as follow: Auscultation, posterior pharynx examination, CBC (complete blood count). If throat congestion is present than decongestant like Levocetirizine can be prescribed for that. For dyspnea, CBC will rule out anemia if present and it will...  Read Full »

Kindly help with my symptoms like headache, body pain, sour burp, and dry throat.

Query: Hello doctor, I am 25 years old. I have asthma and anxiety. I have been experiencing headaches and body aches lately. No fever and no cold. But, I cough up phlegm. Also, when I burp, I taste something sour, and my throat feels dry. Please help. Currently, I am taking Amitriptyline and used Breo e...  Read Full »

Dr. Sehrawat Manisha

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Sorry to hear about your concern. If you do not have any fever, cough, or cold and still experience headache and body ache, this could be due to lack of proper sleep, rest, and increased stress (both mental and physical). Sour taste in burp is due to GERD (gastroesop...  Read Full »

I had oral sex with a man, and deepthroated penis quite several times, even vomited and now my throat hurts when I swallow food, water, sputum, etc. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,I had oral sex with a man, and deepthroated penis quite several times, and even vomited. This happened the day before yesterday. Today morning, I found that the left side of my throat hurts when I swallow food, water, or sputum, and a bit of constant dryness. Is it something serious, or...  Read Full »

Dr. Murari Kaimal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I can understand your concern. There is nothing to worry too much about. This seems to be minor trauma to the throat following oral sex, which is quite common and should get back to normal in a few days. However, I hope that you are taking all due precautions to preve...  Read Full »

I am experiencing a sore throat, especially at night and when waking up. Is it related to an infection?

Query: Hi doctor, It has been a month actually. I was feeling all good until four weeks back, and suddenly my husband got a fever for a day. The next day onwards, I was feeling unwell, just throat pain. Sometimes on the upper side of the throat, sometimes on one side or the other. I consulted a general phy...  Read Full »

Dr. Akshay. B. K.

Answer: Hello, I am delighted to welcome you at I read your query and understand your concern. Sorry to know the suffering you are going through. I will try and help to the best of my ability. As your pictures show, there are not many abnormal things that can be seen. There is a bit of lymph ...  Read Full »

I have persistent granular pharyngitis. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I have been diagnosed with granular pharyngitis. It all started when I had a very cold ice cream. I had dryness, a little bit of coughing, and a mild fever, but after taking medicine, the cough, dryness in the throat region, and fever were gone. However, I still feel some irritation i...  Read Full »

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdelrahman Abouibrahim

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand your concerns. Prolonged throat symptoms are not common. The possible causes include: Chronic granular pharyngitis. Fungal pharyngitis. Low white blood cell count. I suggest you send me a picture of your oral cavity or visit an ENT (ear, nose, and ...  Read Full »

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