Common "Dental Veneer" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Dental Veneer

Dental veneers are tooth-colored, extremely thin shells that are used to cover the front surface of front teeth for better appearance. They are either made from porcelain or resin-composite and are permanently fixed on the teeth surface. Dental veneers can be used on broken or chipped teeth, discolored teeth, gaps in teeth, and unusually shaped teeth.

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After getting retainers, my veneers started to shift. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 25 year old male who had braces five years back. I had braces for two and a half years for upper teeth only, and I still wear my retainer every night. I recently got veneers on my upper six front teeth, so my dentist had to make a couple of adjustments to my retainer. For about ...  Read Full »

Dr. Prerna Jain

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The reason why you are experiencing this is probably because of your retainer. Your retainer might be active or tight, which exerts a force on your teeth when you wear it. When the force is removed, the teeth does move very minutely, which is imperceptible sometimes. Whe...  Read Full »

Please suggest procedures other than braces to get an adorable smile.

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 22 year old female. I had started my treatment with braces in the age of 14 and it continued for around three years. Then, I used retainers for some time. I was told by my doctor that I have a small jaw and extracted four of my teeth. After getting the whole treatment done when I l...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to By looking at your pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it seems that your orthodontic treatment was not successful. Now it seems that you have more problems in your lower jaw. So, it is better to correct lower teeth only. You should either try to ...  Read Full »

After wearing dental veneers, I have lisping. What to do?

Query: Hi doctor, I recently got six porcelain veneers across my top front teeth, and now I have a lot of difficulty in my speech. I have a slurring sound while saying 's' and 't' in particular. I always had a bit of a lisp, but now it is so much worse that I am embarrassed to talk at all because I sound s...  Read Full »

Dr. Honey Nandwani

Answer: Hi, Welcome to If you have a lisping problem, then it can be due to the thick edges of the veneers, and also you need proper training to speak properly. It takes some time for the muscles of lips, cheeks, and tongue to coordinate with the veneers and adjust accordingly so that you can...  Read Full »

My daughter has gaps in her front teeth. Please suggest.

Query: Hello doctor, My daughter is 21 years old and has major gaps in front teeth. What is the best way to fill the gaps?  Read Full »

Dr. Srinivas Saketh. G

Answer: Hi, Welcome to The best way would be the usage of braces for the gaps between the teeth. If the gaps are less and present between a few teeth only, you can go for veneers. Considering the age, going for braces would be a better option. Still, seeing the patient directly and reviewing ...  Read Full »

Why are my teeth turning brownish even after using Hexidine mouthwash?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a problem with my teeth. I started using Hexidine mouthwash last month for whitening of teeth, but it is not helping me, and soon my teeth are becoming brownish at some places. What should I do to clean it?  Read Full »

Dr. Ummah Mohammad

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Using Chlorhexidine mouthwash for more than 15 days in continuation causes brownish discoloration, that is the reason your teeth are becoming brownish. Now that you have developed chlorhexidine discoloration, I do not think scaling will be of any use. Instead, I would s...  Read Full »

How to achieve whiter teeth without using veneers?

Query: Hey doctor, I have always wanted white teeth. My parents had told me when I was a baby my teeth rotted as a result of the milk bottle getting left in my mouth. Fast forward to all the way now. Nothing has worked. I went to a dentist for an evaluation. And he gave me teeth whitening tray to take home...  Read Full »

Dr. Geethanjali. S. S

Answer: Hi, Welcome to, I would like you to know that baby teeth are always pearl white in color and that is the reason they are called milk teeth. The permanent teeth which you have now are always slight yellowish to greyish in color by nature. I saw the picture you have attached (attac...  Read Full »

Can I get veneers to treat the yellowish discoloration of my teeth?

Query: Hello doctor, I have discoloration on six of my upper front teeth. They are yellower than my other teeth. One of the teeth is crooked. Please suggest if I should do veneer for all six teeth or whitening for all teeth. Please help.  Read Full »

Dr. Muzaffer Hussain Parray

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I went through your query and understood your concern. It seems you have done strong bleaching on your teeth that has eroded some portion of the enamel, and now your teeth look yellowish. There any many procedures for tooth whitening, and veneering is the last optio...  Read Full »

Will whitening products remineralize translucent teeth?

Query: Hi doctor, My teeth are very translucent. I do not know the reason. Is there a medical reason for this? I never smoke and rarely drink. Are there supplements that I can take to remineralize them? Would that help?  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hello, Welcome to There is no way of remineralizing permanent teeth by taking calcium or other medication. If it is too translucent that you are uncomfortable with its appearance then you can have either of the following. Dental laminates or dental veneers - which are a type of cerami...  Read Full »

I have sensitivity after teeth preparation for veneers. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, I had my teeth prepped for veneers a year ago. The veneers my dentist used to cover my entire tooth. Veneers cover the front of your tooth and not the whole tooth. After that, I visited my dentist one to two times a month. I had my bottom 8 replaced because they were turning orange. I...  Read Full »

Dr. Naveen Thomas

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. If the veneer, as you say, covers the whole tooth, then it might be a ceramic crown and not a veneer. In addition, if there is severe pain, the tooth might have been reduced beyond what was needed for veneers, and the nerves...  Read Full »

How to reshape my two upper front teeth that are big?

Query: Hello doctor, Two of my front teeth are big. I want them to be reshaped and made smaller. Is it possible? If yes, how much will it cost and is there any side effect?  Read Full »

Dr. Honey Nandwani

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Yes, it can be done by a process called as smile designing, in which an impression of the teeth will be taken and models prepared. Then, the clinical evaluation and model examination will be done and an appropriate reduction in teeth size will be done followed by pla...  Read Full »

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