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HomeAnswersYogablood pressureDoes yoga help in lowering BP?

Shall I follow yoga to reduce my BP?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Santhosh M D

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At September 3, 2016
Reviewed AtJanuary 17, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am a 34-year-old unmarried male. My weight is 70 kg and my height is 5'7". Recently, I checked my BP and it was 150/100 mmHg. Please suggest some medicine to reduce my BP. Shall I follow yoga or pranayama for lowering my BP? What foods should I take and avoid?

Answered by Dr. Santhosh M D


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  • When you adopt an ayurveda lifestyle and yoga practices, it will cure the condition without any doubt.
  • Avoid salt intake and spicy food as much as possible. Avoid fast food, deep-fried foods, and preservatives.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and drink three liters of water daily.
  • Daily yoga or brisk walking for one hour can help a lot.
  • In yoga, you should give more importance to practices such as vrikshasana, garudas ana, konasana, sheetali pranayam, chandranuloma, viloma pranayama, and nadi shuddhi pranayama.

The Probable causes

Anxiety, tension, stress, excessive salt intake, cardiac ailments, etc.

Investigations to be done

ECG (electrocardiography).

Probable diagnosis


Treatment plan

1. For one week, take only fruits for breakfast and dinner and salt less food for lunch. Any kind of relaxing techniques you can practice during these days. 2. I suggest you Cardimap tablet twice in a day. Consume morning and evening after food. 3. Apply Ksheerabala oil on the nails of the toes and to the head before going to bed. It should be avoided if you feel cold or fever after applying oil.

Preventive measures

Control weight and do regular exercise.

Regarding follow up

Revert back after two weeks to a yoga specialist online.---> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/yoga-specialist

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Santhosh M D

Dr. Santhosh M D

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