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HomeAnswersCardiologyblood pressurePlease suggest an alternative test for cardiac catheterization.

Is there any alternative test for cardiac catheterization?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. K. Shobana

Published At May 20, 2016
Reviewed AtJune 1, 2023

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have been having many issues in the last two years. My main issue right now is that I get a weird feeling in my stomach like I want to growl but I cannot. I am having shortness of breath, numbness of hands, tingling and heavy feeling. I feel like passing out and my heart starts to race. I usually burp when I get these feelings. I cannot walk far distances and these started happening about a week ago. I have had two stress tests. The first one was six months ago with heart echo. I wore a Holter monitor for a month and had several EKGs but nothing found in all of them. Now recently I have had my blood pressure shoot up and I am currently on blood pressure medicines. I am 35 years old and overweight. I have lost about 100 lbs and I am at 265. My other issues that I have been diagnosed were diverticulitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, gastritis and GERD. My cardiologist wants to do a cardiac catheterization next. Is there are any other alternative test that are not so invasive? Also really do I need it? These attacks I get are very scary and I have ended up in it several times but nothing was found. Could this be something else? I have read about vagus nerve issues as well as stomach issues that can cause similar symptoms. Should I get the cardiac catheterization test?


Welcome to icliniq.com.

Control of blood pressure (BP) is must as it may cause these kind of things or you may have a postural drop of BP. Stomach feelings can be due to diverticulitis (infected pouches in the colon) and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). There is a possibility of Stokes-Adams syndrome (sudden collapse and unconsiousness). Get a carotid sensitivity test (only massage over carotids but under hospital monitoring). Doing catheterization will rule out cardiac causes and you will feel relaxed, do both coronary angiogram and EP (electrophysiology) study. Check with ENT (otorhinolaryngologist) as some have internal ear problem while having high BP. Also test your hemoglobin level.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Prashant Valecha
Dr. Prashant Valecha


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