Common "Behavioral Disturbances" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq

Behavioral Disturbances

There are four behavioral disturbances: mood disorders, sleep disorders, psychotic symptoms, and agitation. Examples of mood disorders are depression, euphoria, etc. Whereas, Insomnia, Hypersomnia, night-day reversal comes under sleep disorders. Delusion and Hallucinations are psychotic symptoms. Finally, agitation includes Sexual disinhibition, pacing, wandering, and aggression.

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Does passing stools in underwear without knowing a psychological issue?

Query: Hi doctor, My son is 8 years old. His weight is 55 lbs, and his height is 4.4 feet. He has had a problem with passing stool in his underwear for six to seven months now. He is doing this without knowing it. He suffered from the same kind of problem last year for three months, and it got cured. But, ...  Read Full »

Dr. Payas Joshi

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I saw the attached files and your child's history (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your child has encopresis (involuntary fecal soiling), and probably he might also be having constipation. The standard treatment is dietary modification. I believe you kn...  Read Full »

I am having anxiety, trust, and behavioral issues. Why?

Query: Hello doctor, It is very difficult for me to trust anybody completely. I fall in love quickly and have had intense relationships but they usually never last more than six months. The people that care about me the most and that I truly care about are the ones I push away. I see myself destroying ever...  Read Full »

Dr. Mehmet Akif Camkurt

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. As far as I understand from your descriptions you have two probable conditions. 1- B cluster personality traits (borderline). 2- Bipolar disorder. Frequent emotional changes, lack of trust, suicide attempts at a youn...  Read Full »

Why does my mother get hyper for no reason?

Query: Hello doctor, My mother gets hyper for no reason. She keeps repeating things over and over again. She gets too upset easily. She has a high blood pressure, thyroid problems, as well as migraine. But, she takes medicines only for her thyroid issues. Can you tell me what she should do?  Read Full »

Dr. Manjunadh M

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Symptoms you described could be part of a depressive disorder. It is difficult to confirm with out knowing more details. What is her age? Is she under any kind of stress? Since when do you observe these behavioral changes? How is her sleep? Is she dull most of the ti...  Read Full »

My grandmother has been acting differently. Is the abnormal behavior due to Prednisone?

Query: Hi doctor, My question is regarding my grandmother. Lately, she has been acting differently, not her normal self, and the change in her behavior has been about two months now. She talks about things that do not make sense. She sometimes acts like a small child. She does pointless actions and always ...  Read Full »

Dr. Awadhesh P. Singh Solanki

Answer: Hi,Welcome to I have reviewed your query, and here is my suggestion. She is taking Prednisolone which can induce abnormal behavior in the long term. The features you mentioned above are suggestive of mental illness. I suggest it would be better to visit a nearby psychiatrist for a prope...  Read Full »

Why do I always assume things?

Query: Hello doctor,I feel that different people have different types of nature. For example, holding a pen to write. There is a difference between people holding a pen and writing. I always assume that it determines my knowledge of mine. If I hold a pen like my class topper, I assume that I will become a ...  Read Full »

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concerns. Although we assume in one or the other way, it is not like that. The fact is, first someone becomes a topper, and successful, and then his style is appreciated leading to wider recognition. We as a society focus more o...  Read Full »

How to deal with a fear of using swear words in a 13-year-old?

Query: Hi doctor, I have a 13-year-old boy child with extreme fear of swear words and gets very uncomfortable hearing when other kids say them. He is also very scared of having the talk in school. I think he might have an emotional breakdown if this happens according to his teachers. Is there a name for e...  Read Full »

Dr. Vandana Patidar

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Children develop their views as per the teachings of parents, teachers, peers, and other environmental things. All these together with their genetic constitution develop their nature, personality, and belief system. It seems he is a very pious person with too much att...  Read Full »

I have behavior changes. Is it multiple personality disorder?

Query: Hello Doctor, I have recently become very concerned about something that has been bothering my parents for a long time. I happened to notice my reserved attitude toward others. However, my parents described me as a happy child who enjoyed communicating with others, going out frequently, hugging and ...  Read Full »

Dr. Padmapriya Chandran

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I read your query and understand your concern. Temperament in children is influenced by a variety of external factors as well as parental upbringing. It varies during early childhood but becomes consistent by the time the child reaches the eleventh or twelfth grade. Be...  Read Full »

I do not eat properly to look less ugly, and sometimes scratch and bite myself. Kindly help.

Query: Hello doctor, I might have an eating disorder. I always skip lunch, try to eat as little as possible for breakfast, hate when people are around me at eating time because then I cannot skip it, often purge after dinner, hate my body to the extreme, and sometimes scratch and bite myself. I think I ne...  Read Full »

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Many teenagers have symptoms such as unhappiness with their body shape, skipping meals, and sometimes purging. If not controlled, this could go into eating disorders. Bulimia nervosa could be the possible reason. But I do not think you have this disorder. You have so...  Read Full »

What can be the cause for delay in responding and chewing problems in a 2.5 years old child?

Query: Hello doctor, My son is 2.4 years old. He has still not started talking. He also does not follow instructions; hence it is very difficult to make him sit and teach him how to talk. He does not even follow us when we talk to him or try to make him learn or focus. He rarely responds to his name, when ...  Read Full »

Dr. Faisal Abdul Karim Malim

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As per your history, I have a few queries. I am unable to make out if the hearing of your child is normal or not. This seems to be the most likely problem I feel. Because you have mentioned that he loves to watch and listen to songs, please make sure that the child is ...  Read Full »

What are the treatment options for behavioral problems?

Query: Hi doctor,My sister, who is 21, never obeys my mom and dad. Neither, she will do any work if not pointed at. My parents are frustrated and always scream and shout at her. Even then, she does not do any work. I do not live with my parents, but whenever I visit them it is always like an invasion of me...  Read Full »

Dr. Sonia Malhotra

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Although your sister is too old and mature now, there are certain things your parents can try with her. These tips work well in modifying behavior of children, how I wish she was younger. Whenever she does something, she should be praised beyond what is needed. Although, ...  Read Full »

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