Common "Analgesic" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


An analgesic is a medication that helps to provide relief from pain without causing sleep or loss of consciousness. It is also known as pain killers. The two common groups of painkillers are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids. It is used in various conditions such as appendicitis, fibromyalgia, gallbladder disease, gastrointestinal disorders, headache, migraine, sprain, and strain to reduce pain.

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I am getting knee pain even with a simple activity. Please help.

Query: Hi doctor,I am a 27 year old male. My weight is 85 kg and height is 179 cm. About 2 years ago, I participated in a half marathon. On that day, I started feeling pain in both knees above the patella. I think in quadriceps tendon. I followed RICE and the pain went off. But, after that, whenever I do s...  Read Full »

Dr. Shakti Amar Goel

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Considering your symptoms and pain, I have a few points to mention. It is possible that the pain is due to quadriceps pull. However, a condition called chondromalacia patellae should also be ruled out. Do you have pain in climbing upwards or upstairs? I wou...  Read Full »

Is pain and swelling common after arthroscopic surgery?

Query: Hello doctor,I did hurt my ankle two years ago then went for an MRI 11 months back. The following month I had an arthroscopic surgery (OCD MTD). Now, even after nine months it still swells up, painful and I do not have a full range of motion. It hurts a lot when I run or jump. I have been doing phys...  Read Full »

Dr. Sumit Chawla

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query and the MRI reports attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You had an osteochondritic lesion of talus (OLT) reputed last year, the fresh MRI shows that the repair done is perfectly fine with no signs of osteoarthritis of the...  Read Full »

My left breast starts paining when I lay down on my left side or while stretching. What to do?

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 30-year-old female. I felt pain under my left breast seven days ago, and when I examined it, the pain was on the bone under my breast. I do not think the pain is continuous, and it starts when I lay on bed left side or when I do things that require stretching. I also have hypoth...  Read Full »

Dr. Arpit Varshney

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your concern in detail and will surely help you. This type of pain which occurs only on stretching or laying on one side, is common with multivitamin deficiencies. So I will advise you on medications to increase vitamin levels in your body. Meanwhile, to...  Read Full »

My upper arm has been hurt on and off for two weeks as I am involved in pulling and lifting heavy boxes. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor,My upper right arm has been hurting on and off for two weeks now. I was involved in lifting or pulling heavy boxes before the pain started. It is not a constant all-day pain but it does hurt at some point in the day and if it is sore when I go to bed it hurts even more in the morning. I...  Read Full »

Dr. Patil Mahaveer Jingonda

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through your query and understand your concern. From the history, it seems that you may have strained a muscle in and around your right shoulder. This may be causing pain in your upper arm. Does the pain occur only when you are trying to use the limb or doe...  Read Full »

I have constant headache along with pain in back and neck after gym workout. Please help me.

Query: Hi doctor,I had a gym workout including abdominal workout and back squats on an Olympic bar. I started to have headaches and it got increased from moderate to pounding and it lasted for two days. It was accompanied by neck and upper back pain. Most importantly, I had pain just below the sternum and ...  Read Full »

Dr. Sandeep Singh

Answer: Hi, Welcome to I am sorry to hear about the pain that started after doing exercise. The symptoms you are describing seem to be due to cervical spondylitis. Due to the spasm of neck muscles, there is pain in the upper part of the body and headache. You need a short term treatment by ta...  Read Full »

What does cervical rib mean?

Query: Hi doctor,My daughter is a 6-year-old. She always complains that she feels some pain in the back side of her neck. We have checked with an orthopedic surgeon. From her x-ray, he said that this is due to a cervical rib, an extra bone in the neck. Please suggest regarding this.  Read Full »

Dr. Shakti Amar Goel

Answer: Hi,Welcome to cervical rib is an extra rib above the first rib. Nothing needs to be done as of now and she needs to be reassured. If the rib causes serious problems like arterial compression or nerve pressure in the future, then it can be removed by surgical methods. As of now, I wou...  Read Full »

I had a spinal fusion. How to manage pain after the procedure?

Query: Hi doctor,I was in a wreck, and my T12, L1, and L2 vertebrae have metal rods, screws and plates. I had a spinal fusion. I also have osteoporosis, scoliosis, and degenerative disk disease. My old doctor had put me on a high dose of pain medicine. I wanted to get rid of painkillers, so I switched to S...  Read Full »

Dr. Shaikh Sadaf

Answer: Hi, Welcome to icliniq. I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I understand your concern and will try to help you with it. It appears that you have indeed used a lot of Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone). This happens in many patients who are on pain medications, as they t...  Read Full »

What causes bad pain in my knee?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a female with a height of five feet five inches. I have pain in my knees and my knee braces made it worse. Currently, I am using an inhaler.  Read Full »

Dr. Mohammed Abdul Nasir

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Please mention when you started to have this knee pain. Please mention whether it is present on one of your knees or both knees. Please mention whether you have any knee swelling or redness around your knees. Please mention whether you had any injury in your knees. Please...  Read Full »

I am suffering from migraine since 15 years. I want suggestion of good medicine.

Query: Hi doctor, I want a good medicine for my migraine. I am suffering from last 15 years. From a week I am suffering a lot with pain in my left side. I am taking more pain killers.  Read Full »

Dr. Anshul Varshney

Answer: Hi, I am glad you chose icliniq for your medical-related queries. I understand your concern and will try to help you with it. As I explained you, migraine can be treated but we need to be sure it is migraine. You may take Tab Vaso grain for pain relief. Actual course we will suggest you with detai...  Read Full »

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