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Does Itching Disturb Your Regular Activities?

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Does Itching Disturb Your Regular Activities?

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This article discusses in detail the diagnosis and management of severe itching.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At July 15, 2015
Reviewed AtMarch 13, 2023


Nowadays, itching is a major problem or symptom of most allergic, systemic or fungal diseases. Four out of 10 people have had some type of itching problem of the skin in their routine life. Severe itching disturbs the day-to-day activities of a human being.

What Is Itching?

  • Itching is defined as some type of unpleasant sensation that increases the desire to scratch to relieve the feeling.

  • It is also referred to as pruritus or urticaria.

  • If itching is present for more than 6 weeks, it will be considered severe or chronic and needs careful evaluation and treatment.

  • At times itching is beneficial because skin triggers itch and serves as a protection for our body to remove foreign particles from the skin. But this will be for a few seconds only.

Who Are Most Likely to Get Affected?

  • People of any age can be affected.

  • Children are less affected than adults.

What Is the Pathophysiology of Chronic Itching?

There are many factors that trigger itching.

  • Itching may be localized or generalized.

  • Many physical, external, and internal stimuli activate itching receptors and produce severe itch.

  • Receptor for activation of itching is free nerve endings of nonmyelinated C-type nerve fibers that are located in the superficial layer of skin (epidermis).

  • Patients with severe itching are highly sensitive to histamine and serve as internal stimuli.

  • Other responsible receptors for severe itching are G protein receptors, histamine H4 receptor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and neurotrophins nerve growth factor.


  • Keratinocytes provide immunity against severe itching.

  • It provides protection against physical, environmental, and chemical stimuli.

  • It produces itching in the skin by means of the removal of foreign particles from the skin by scratching.

  • Furthermore, sensory nerves, along with epidermal keratinocytes in the skin, also enhance itching sensation.

  • When keratinocytes are activated, they will release inflammatory and pruritic substances.

  • Keratinocytes have both functions, activation, and inhibition of itch.

Mast Cells:

  • The most common mast cell mediator responsible for itching is histamine.

  • Mast cells contain large numbers of histamine.

  • When mast cells are activated, they release histamine in the surrounding area and activate H1, H3, and H4 receptors. Blockage of these receptors causes a reduction in itching and inflammation.

  • Mast cells of psoriasis contain interleukin-31, which is a potent pruritogenic substance.

  • Cells that activate mast cells in pruritic diseases are neutrophils such as NT-3.


  • In chronic skin diseases, there is the presence of increased cellular infiltration of eosinophils. They are found in the vicinity of nerves.

  • Various neuropeptides and other cytokines cause activation of eosinophil for itching.

What Is the Etiology for Chronic Itching?

Different diseases such as inflammatory skin diseases, metabolic diseases, liver and kidney diseases, lymphoproliferative diseases, and myeloproliferative diseases are the cause of severe itching.

Some dermatological causes of itching are:

  • Xerosis.

  • Scabies.

  • Atopic dermatitis.

  • Dermatitis herpetiformis.

  • Psoriasis.

  • Lichen simplex chronicus.

  • Lichen planus.

  • Fungal infections.

  • Contact dermatitis.

  • Insect bites.

  • Urticaria.

  • Pediculosis.

  • Sunburn.

  • Pityriasis rosea.

  • Polymorphous light eruption.

  • Electrostatic charges.

  • Fiberglass and other irritants.

  • Plaster of Paris casts.

The systemic diseases associated with itching are:

  • Chronic renal failure.

  • Hepatic Cholestasis:

  1. Cholestasis of pregnancy.

  2. Primary biliary cirrhosis.

  3. Oral contraceptives.

  4. Hepatitis.

  5. Extrahepatic biliary obstruction.

  6. Drugs.

  • Hematopoietic:

  1. Polycythemia vera.

  2. Multiple myeloma.

  3. Hodgkin’s disease.

  4. Iron deficiency anemia.

  5. Mastocytosis.

  • Endocrine:

  1. Hypothyroid.

  2. Thyrotoxicosis.

  3. Carcinoid.

  • Miscellaneous:

  1. Asthma.

How Is Severe Itching Diagnosed?

  • Present History - Evaluation of underlying disease, time of onset, the severity of itching, and duration of itching should be asked to the patient.

  • Itching History - Aggravating factor, relieving factor, and severity scale should be noted.

  • Associated Factors - Lymph node enlargement, tumor, chronic skin diseases, fungal infection, ringworm infection, urticaria, etc., should be diagnosed.

  • Skin Examination - Size of the patch, affected area, depth of patch, shape of the patch, presence of scaling border should be evaluated.

  • Sign of Itching - Dryness of skin, pigmentary changes of the skin, skin color changes, redness, swelling of the skin, etc., are looked at.

  • On Palpation - It is important to note any warmth on palpation.

  • Also, the doctor will look for associated sensations such as burning, irritation, and dull ache.

  • Other clinical procedures to evaluate skin diseases are skin biopsy, skin allergy test, blood test, urine analysis, CT (computed tomography) scan, and brain MRI for detection of tumor (magnetic resonance imaging).

How Is Severe Itching Treated?

Precautionary Measures:

  • The affected area should be washed with an antiseptic solution followed by the application of moisturizing lotion to eliminate dry skin.

  • During summer, increased fungus growth causes severe itching due to sweat, so the skin should be clean to eliminate this problem.

  • Some internal or external stimuli should be avoided, such as cold weather.

  • Application of antifungal dusting powder such as Clotrimazole over an affected area gives a beneficial effect. It should be applied after bathing, swimming, etc.

  • Innerwear should be changed every day or twice a day.

  • Loose-fitting clothes, preferably cotton clothes, helps to eliminate sweat problems that aggravate severe itching.

  • Diabetes is a leading problem of severe itching due to low immunity, and it will increase the chances of fungal infection. Hence glucose levels must be within normal limits.

  • Exchange of clothes with others should be avoided. It will increase the chance of ringworm infection.

  • Sweating or perspiration should be prevented as much as possible. And it is achieved by the application of antiperspirant skin-friendly deodorant.

  • Nowadays, some washes are available for the treatment of severe itching in the genital area of the female. It maintains and balances the normal pH.

  • Walking barefoot also aggravates the itching problem. So, wearing sandals is beneficial.

  • Blood or other laboratory investigations should be evaluated because some sexually transmitted diseases will aggravate severe itching.

Local Approach:

Treatment should be established for the underlying cause of severe itching.

  • Temporary relief should be achieved by Polidocanol or Menthol as it gives a soothing and cooling effect over the affected part.

  • Application of topical corticosteroids and different emollients will help to eliminate the itching problem.

  • Supportive therapy for sleep disturbances, antidepressants, and sedatives are given, and for chronic erosive scratching, local corticosteroid administration is done.

  • Treatment of atopic dermatitis, chronic eczema, and genital fungal infection with a calcineurin inhibitor and topical cannabinoid is necessary.

  • The primary treatment for chronic pruritus and chronic urticaria are non-sedating H1 antihistamines, as it decreases degradation and release of pruritogenic mediators by mast cells and increases antipruritic effect.

  • The use of lubricants such as oil, humectants like urea also helps with itching.

  • Use cooling agents like menthol and camphor for topical application.

Systemic Approach:

  • The aim of the systemic approach is to target the central nervous system to eliminate itching.

  • Treatment with anticonvulsants such as Gabapentin and Pregabalin are also available for chronic itch.

  • Antipruritic drugs such as agonists (Naltrexone) or antagonists of the opioid system will act centrally and give relief.

  • Severe itching in refractory hemodialysis patients is treated by using a k-receptor agonist, Nalfurafine.

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Paroxetine, and Sertraline are useful in severe itching in patients with polycythemia vera, somatoform pruritus, paraneoplastic pruritus, and cholestatic pruritus.

  • Idiopathic pruritus, cholestasis, uremia and neoplasm-induced pruritus are treated with Mirtazapine.

  • In severe cases of pruritus, tricyclic antidepressants like Doxepin are used.

  • Use antifungal agents in the treatment of fungal infections such as Amphotericin B, Ketoconazole, Miconazole, Fluconazole, Voriconazole, Itraconazole, Posaconazole, Echinocandins such as Caspofungin, Anidulafungin, and Micafungin.

  • Use Griseofulvin for ringworm infection.

  • Use Terbinafine for onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail) and for ringworm infection.

  • Other topical or systemic therapy that gives permanent relief from itching includes treatment with Capsaicin, Calcineurin inhibitor, UV therapy, immunotherapy, immunosuppressive therapy, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Stop Itching?

Itching can be stopped by avoiding the causes that create itch, moisturizing daily, treating the scalp with over-the-counter shampoos, reducing stress or anxiety, trying over-the-counter oral allergy medicine, such as Diphenhydramine, using a humidifier, lotions, creams, or gels that soothe and cool the skin, and avoiding scratching.


What Diseases Cause Itching All Over?

The diseases that cause itching are blood disease, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), liver disease, and overactive thyroid. Some autoimmune diseases cause an itchy rash; they are oral lichen planus, cutaneous lupus, and erythrodermic psoriasis. The skin conditions that can cause intense itch include dyshidrotic eczema, atopic dermatitis, and chickenpox. Bacterial infections of the skin and measles also cause itchiness all over.


What Can I Drink to Stop Itching?

Colloidal oatmeal helps relieve dryness and itching as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Water is highly beneficial for health in many ways, including itch relief. The skin remains hydrated from the inside and out by drinking more water. Also, it helps to flush the toxins that cause irritation.


Where Does It Itch in Kidney Disease?

In the case of kidney disease, the itching can come and go or may be continuous. Itching may affect the whole body or can be limited to a specific area. It usually affects the back, arms and tends to affect both sides of the body at the same time.


What Can I Eat to Stop Itching?

The foods such as oily fish, avocado, coconut oil, nuts will help to alleviate dry and itchy skin. Probiotic-rich foods such as sourdough bread, naturally fermented pickles, miso soup, soft cheeses like Gouda, kefir, unpasteurized sauerkraut, and tempeh helps to stop itching.


What Medicine Helps to Stop Itching?

Oral antihistamines are the best to relieve the itching. Nonprescription oral antihistamines, such as Cetirizine (Zyrtec Allergy), Loratadine (Claritin), or Diphenhydramine (Benadryl Allergy, others), help to relieve itching. Loratadine (Claritin) and Fexofenadine (Allegra) are non-drowsy oral antihistamines, whereas Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton) or Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is less expensive but can make you feel sleepy.


What Stage of Kidney Disease Causes Itching?

Itching is a common problem for patients with end-stage renal disease or chronic renal failure. It affects one-third of patients on dialysis and is more common with hemodialysis than continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).


Is Vaginal Itching Normal?

Mostly, vaginal itching is harmless, but it should be considered a sign of a problem that needs a visit to the gynecologist. The possible causes of vaginal itching are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, irritation from soaps and creams, certain sexually transmitted infections, and allergic reactions.


How to Stop My Private Parts From Itching at Night?

In order to avoid itching at night, take an oatmeal bath before bed, use topical anti-itching creams on the vulva, place the towel-wrapped with ice packs on the vulva, use a topical antihistamine, and try over-the-counter antifungal treatments for yeast infections.


How Can a Man Stop His Private Area From Itching?

To avoid itching in the man's private parts, follow the below methods.
- Keep the private areas clean and dry.
- A mild soap cleanser or a soap-free cleanser, or plain tap water should be used to rinse the genital area.
- Loose, clean, and breathable undergarments should be worn, especially made of breathable organic cotton.
- Wash the underwear properly without any detergent residues.
- The underwear should be changed when it gets wet or soggy or at least after 24 hours.
- The penis should be washed after using the toilet.
- Avoid using perfumes in private areas.


Is Itching a Symptom of Diabetes?

People with diabetes more often have dry skin, and as a result, itchiness occurs. When there is a skin infection or poor circulation, it may contribute to dry, itchy skin.


When Should I Be Worried about Itching?

It is better to get a doctor's consultation when itching lasts for more than two weeks and does not reduce with self-care measures and starts to distract your daily routines or prevent you from sleeping.


What Cream Stops Itching Fast?

The 1 percent Hydrocortisone steroid cream acts fast and eases the itch by reducing inflammation.


What Does It Mean When the Skin Is Itchy but Has No Rash?

Dry skin causes itchiness in the skin without a rash. Mostly, dry skin is mild and can result from low humidity and cold or hot weather. Sometimes, it is also caused by activities that decrease moisture in the skin, such as taking a hot water bath.
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Talati Vidhi Hareshbhai
Talati Vidhi Hareshbhai



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