Answered by Dr. Yeshwanth Kumar

Answered by Dr. Yeshwanth Kumar

How to cure a fungal infection in my inner thigh?

Hi doctor,

I have got a fungal infection near my inner thigh area. I have been taking tablet Forcan 150 mg and applied Candid-B cream over it. But I do not have any results. Please help me.

22 May 2024 - 1 min read

Does Finasteride help male pattern hair loss?

Hello doctor,

I am suffering from male pattern hair loss for a long time. I had tried saw palmetto for a short duration and got a decent result (as suggested by a trichologist) but did not continue due to lack of information on long term effects. Please suggest if Finasteride can help in hair sustenance?

13 May 2024 - 1 min read

Does hormonal imbalance cause painful acne before periods?

Hi doctor,

I am 25 years old, and I always have breakouts before a week of my periods. I think it is a hormonal imbalance. I get big, red, and painful acne around my jawline and lower cheek, and I have a high testosterone level. I get these kinds of breakouts almost every month for more than a year now. I am not under any treatment now, but I used topical cream containing Hydroquinone, Tretinoin, and Mometasone. Please help.

02 May 2024 - 1 min read

How to treat skin itching and scratching in a diabetic?

Hi doctor,

My mother has itching and scratching for the past three months. She is 85 years old with a controlled diabetic. For now, she is applying Polysporin ointment and Benadryl 25 mg. She gets better for a while, and she gets it again. I am attaching the picture. Please suggest.

02 May 2024 - 1 min read

My hairs are shedding even after using Minoxidil. Why?

Hello doctor,

I have been using Minoxidil for about a year now and continue to shed. I now have balding patches where it was not an issue before. Ironically the thinning I had started using it for filled in. Wondering if I need to stop the use or if it is normal to experience shedding still? I use it consistently twice a day.

15 Mar 2024 - 1 min read





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