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About "Infertility"

There are two types of infertility, primary and secondary. When a couple fails to get pregnant even after having unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year, it is called as primary infertility. Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive after getting pregnant previously. Infertility can result from some sexual problems in both male or female. There are a lot of causes of infertility, but due to medical advances, some of these causes are treatable.

The most common cause of infertility among women is the absence of ovulation, which results in irregular or no menstruation. Some of the other causes are age (women above 35 years), obesity, smoking, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), endometriosis, problems in the fallopian tubes, STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), premature ovarian failure, thyroid problems, cancer, etc.

In men, infertility is mainly due to low sperm count and mobility. Other causes may include testicular infection, undescended testicles, varicocele, ejaculatory duct blockage, testosterone deficiency, obesity, stress, etc.

Some of the treatment options available are fertility drugs, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-vitro Fertilization(IVF), tubal cannulation, etc. If you and your partner are trying to conceive without luck, it is best to consult an infertility specialist. Medical platforms have made it easy to ask doctors online through real-time video consultations. This might be helpful in identifying any treatable problem, which might help you conceive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.What is the role of a fertility specialist?

A doctor who specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility is called an infertility doctor. These doctors diagnose and treat problems that are related to male or female infertility. They -
- Diagnose the cause of infertility.
- Surgically and medically treat infertility conditions.

Q.What are the common conditions that an infertility specialist treats?

The common fertility problems that an infertility specialist treats in females are endometriosis, ovulation problem, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and abnormalities in the female reproductive organs. And in males, the most common causes of infertility are low sperm count, poor quality of sperm, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction.

Q.Can a gynecologist detect and treat infertility?

Yes, a gynecologist will be able to detect and treat some kinds of fertility problems. They can prescribe you medicines to regulate ovulation, and can also perform intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Q.Which is the best fertility drug?

Depending on the cause of infertility, your doctor will suggest appropriate treatment. Fertility drug is commonly given to regulate ovulation. The most commonly prescribed drug is Clomiphene citrate.

Q.Can fertility specialists deliver babies?

A fertility specialist mostly helps patients to conceive. They do not usually deliver babies. Babies are mostly delivered by an obstetrician and gynecologist.

Q.How will I know if I am fertile?

If your menstrual cycle is regular and if you do not have any other medical or genetic condition, then you are mostly fertile. But the only way to know for sure is to consult an infertility specialist and run some tests.

Q.When is it necessary to consult an infertility specialist?

If you are above 35 years and are unable to get pregnant even after trying for 6 months, then it is best to consult a doctor. Or if you are under 30 years and are unable to conceive even after trying for a year. If you have medical conditions like hypertension, autoimmune disease, HIV, or if you are obese, it is best to consult a doctor before you try to get pregnant.

Q.What are things to avoid when trying to conceive?

Smoking, too much coffee, alcohol consumption, vigorous exercise, too much stress, and a poor diet are some things to be avoided if you are trying to conceive.

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  • Your health issue will be shared across with our infertility specialist panel.
  • A infertility specialist will pick your query and send medical advice to your health issue subsequently.
  • You can then follow up with the same infertility specialist.