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HomeHealth articlespsoriasisWhat Are the Natural Ways to Treat Psoriasis?

Natural Ways to Treat Psoriasis

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4 min read


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by white scaly plaques on the skin. Read further to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Shikha Vijayvargia

Published At September 19, 2022
Reviewed AtMarch 28, 2024


Around two percent of people worldwide have psoriasis, a non-contagious chronic inflammatory dermatosis. This condition can harm a person's social and professional life and other aspects of everyday living. Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disorder that affects the skin, nails, and joints, The most prevalent symptoms are well-defined erythematous papules and plaques with silvery-white scales. Recurrent flare-ups of red, scaly skin plaques that separate from surrounding normal skin are the hallmark of psoriasis. The region sloughed off tends to expose the dermis or other tissue beneath, which causes minute bleeding. Genetic predisposition, other environmental variables, and this disease are contributing factors. Psoriasis has similar physical and psychological effects to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or depression. The most prevalent form is psoriasis vulgaris, often known as chronic plaque psoriasis. However, the condition can also be divided into four forms: inverted, guttate, pustular, and erythrodermic psoriasis.

What Is Psoriasis?

It is an immune disorder that causes raised scaly patches on the skin. Due to irregulation, the body's immune system affects one's skin, nails, and joints. Psoriasis has been thought to be caused by hyperproliferation of keratinocytes for a long time. However, when immunomodulatory treatments became effective, they changed, and the immune system became an essential factor in developing the disease.

What Are The Symptoms of Psoriasis?

The symptoms include:

  • Variable-colored rashes with a preference for purple hues with greyscale on brown or black skin and pink or red with a silver scale on white skin.

  • Tiny scaling marks (commonly seen in children).

  • Bruising skin that is dry and cracked.

  • Soreness, burning, or itching.

  • A patchy rash appears quite differently on each individual ranging from a little area of dandruff-like scaling.

What Are the Different Types of Psoriasis?

Different types of psoriasis include:

  • Psoriasis Plaques: It is the most prevalent kind of psoriasis, resulting in scale-covered, dry, elevated skin patches (plaques). These patches might be few or numerous and are mainly present on the lower back, scalp, knees, and knees. Depending on the skin tone, the patches may exhibit different colors. For example, the affected skin may recover with transient color changes (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) on dark or black skin.

  • Nail Psoriasis: Pitting, irregular nail growth, and discoloration can also be seen in psoriasis and affect both fingernails and toenails. The nail bed may become loose and detach from psoriatic nails (onycholysis). The nail may even break if the condition is severe.

  • Guttate Psoriasis: This type mainly affects children and young people. The condition is usually set off by a bacterial infection, such as strep throat. Guttate psoriasis presents lesions that are drop-shaped, small scaling lesions on the trunk, legs, or legs.

  • Psoriasis in Reverse: The groin, buttocks, and breast skin folds are impacted mainly by inverse psoriasis. It results in scaly, inflammatory skin areas that worsen with friction and perspiration. In addition, fungi may bring on this kind of psoriasis.

  • Pustular Psoriasis: Distinct pus-filled blisters are a result of some unusual form of pustular psoriasis. It appears on the soles and palms as little or larger patches.

When To Consult a Doctor?

Consult a medical professional if a person thinks they might have psoriasis. Additionally, the condition is getting worse or more prevalent. In that case, it makes a person uncomfortable and painful, worries a patient about the quality of their skin, and does not get better after therapy.

What Is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Chronic arthritis includes psoriatic arthritis. Some people only experience minor cases with sporadic flare-ups. However, in some others, it persists and, if left untreated, can harm joints. Avoiding joint injury requires early diagnosis. Although it is more common in persons with skin psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis can also strike those without the condition, especially those with psoriatic ancestors. Psoriatic arthritis often affects the spine and sacroiliac joints of the pelvis, as well as big joints, notably those in the lower extremities and minor joints in the fingers and toes. In addition, the digestive system, tendons, eyes, and nails can all be affected.

How Is Psoriatic Arthritis Diagnosed?

Rheumatologists look for swollen and painful joints, specific arthritis patterns, and skin and nail abnormalities typical of psoriasis to diagnose psoriatic arthritis. X-rays are frequently performed to check for joint injury. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasonography, or CT (computed tomography) scan can be utilized to get a closer look at the joints. Blood tests can be used to rule out other forms of arthritis, such as gout, Lyme disease (tick-borne illness), and rheumatoid arthritis, which have many of the same signs and symptoms. Blood tests may show significant inflammation in psoriatic arthritis patients, but lab results may sometimes be average. Psoriasis is occasionally confirmed with skin biopsies (small samples of skin are removed for test or analysis).

What Are the Symptoms of Psoriatic Scalp that Mimic Fungal Dandruff?

Sometimes psoriasis-related dandruff might seem like fungal dandruff caused by Malassezia furfur. However, they may also have seborrheic dermatitis, which looks like a fungal infection with pimple-like lesions on the scalp. Typical symptoms include:

  • Modest scalp psoriasis may merely manifest as simple, superficial scaling. The symptoms of moderate to severe scalp psoriasis include:

  • Reddish, scaly, and rough spots.

  • Silvery-white scales.

  • Like dandruff and skin flakes.

  • Itching.

  • Aching or burning.

  • Hair loss.

Even while scalp psoriasis does not necessarily lead to temporary hair loss, excessive or violent scratching, picking at the scaly patches, harsh treatments, and the stress associated with the condition can. Fortunately, the hair frequently comes back as the skin gets better.

What Are the Home Remedies to Treat Psoriasis Naturally?

  • Psoriasis can be treated at home using various home remedy methods, but taking the doctor's advice is necessary in case of severe conditions.

  • Use Aloe vera extract since the autoimmune system is blamed for the itching. Moisturizing with wax, liquid paraffin, or coconut oil will help to minimize dryness brought on by excessive keratinization.

  • Acetic acid from vinegar or citric acid from lemon juice helps exfoliate dry skin, and coconut oil or cold packs keep the moisture locked after exfoliating.

  • Dead sea salt can also be mixed with warm water to dip hands and feet in it for treating psoriasis naturally.


Psoriasis is an immune disorder that causes a patchy scale on the skin, which can cause severe complications if neglected for a long time. Around two percent of people in the world suffer from this condition. Home remedies such as the use of aloe vera extract can help in relieving the pain and itching. However, if the psoriasis pain persists, and the condition is unbearable the person should consult a doctor immediately.

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Dr. Azeem Iyas Basha
Dr. Azeem Iyas Basha

General Practitioner


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