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HomeHealth articlesflaccid penisWhat Is Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

Hard Flaccid Syndrome - A Comprehensive Overview.

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The hard flaccid syndrome is a condition affecting males characterized by a rigid penis in a flaccid state with unknown etiology. Read to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Raveendran S R

Published At March 31, 2023
Reviewed AtMarch 31, 2023


Hard flaccid syndrome is a rare neurological condition. It usually occurs after an injury to the spinal cord but can have many other causes. The hardening of the penis is a condition that can be difficult to treat, but it does not usually have serious consequences. This article explains everything about the hard flaccid syndrome, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

What Is Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

Hard flaccid syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes the softening of the penis. It may occur due to nerve damage in the brain, spine, or nerves. This condition causes the hardening of the penis which can be painful sometimes and may usually affect just one side of the penis. The exact cause of hard flaccid syndrome is unknown. But it may have something to do with weakness or numbness in parts of the body. In some cases, this damage can cause partial or complete loss of feeling in one or more parts of the penis. One might feel pain when moving the arm or leg because of this condition and need help moving around most of the time.

What Are the Causes of Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

It is a rare condition. The exact cause of flaccid syndrome is not well understood, but it may be due to damage to the spinal cord or nerves in the pelvic area. It can occur as an isolated finding or in association with other conditions such as spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. In these cases, patients may have numbness and tingling down their legs from injury at the base of their spine. Their muscles are weak because they cannot control them easily, so they will feel like they are floating when they walk, this is called spastic paraplegia or tetraplegia. They may also experience bladder problems caused by damage to the nerves that control bladder function, this condition is called neurogenic bladder dysfunction.

What Is the Symptom of Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

  • The most common symptom of hard flaccid syndrome is a rigid appearance even when the penis is flaccid.

  • They also have a reduction in the size and firmness of their penis. This can occur when someone is under stress. However, it is not always caused by stress and there are some other reasons why this happens such as injury or illness.

  • The third symptom is pain during erection which may be mild or severe depending on how long it has lasted.

  • They also experience difficulty achieving or maintaining erections.

  • Other possible symptoms include urinary incontinence (loss of urine while urinating), dysuria (painful urination), and hematuria (blood in the urine).

In later stages of the disease, symptoms may include:

  • Difficulty Sleeping - This is because of the inability to relax muscles.

  • Muscle Spasms - These are experienced during morning exercise.

  • Poor Coordination - They cannot control their movements.

What Is the Diagnosis of Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

There are no specific tests to diagnose the hard flaccid syndrome. The diagnosis is made through physical examination and the history of the patient. Evaluation of hormonal levels is also done for the diagnosis. However, radiologic imaging including a pelvic ultrasound and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan of the spine may reveal abnormalities that could be suggestive of this condition. If there is any doubt in the diagnosis, the patient should be examined by a neurologist.

What Is the Treatment of Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

There is no specific treatment for hard flaccid syndrome and it is difficult to treat. Men's health physiotherapy is extremely effective in treating this condition. It is also critical to have a physiotherapist who understands the condition and knows how to treat an individual. Different treatment options were carried out, but they were not successful in all the patients. The strategy which is helpful in the treatment of hard flaccid syndrome is by using multimodal treatment.

  • Medications such as analgesics can be used to treat pain whereas phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors and antidepressants are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and psychological conditions.

  • Cognitive behavioral modification techniques can be used to treat hard flaccid syndrome. The techniques include eating a well-balanced diet, proper sleep, regular physical activities, breathing exercises, and yoga. Consider cardiovascular workouts to help relax the pelvic floor throughout the day.

  • Patients who failed other therapies may be treated with low-intensity shock wave therapy temporarily.

What Is the Differential Diagnosis of Hard Flaccid Syndrome?

High flow priapism and non-erecting erections are the differential diagnoses of the hard flaccid syndrome. High-flow priapism is a condition characterized by arteriovenous fistulas penetrating the penis through the penile vasculatures. Both in hard flaccid syndrome and high flow priapism, patients may experience mild painless erections. However, the arteriovenous fistulas and ruptures could be diagnosed through doppler ultrasound. In 2009, Yaschia described non-erecting erections. This condition is characterized by the absence or deficiency of the suspensory ligament of the penis. As a result of this, the penis failed to erect in this condition. Non-erecting erection is a congenital condition. But in some cases, it is caused due to trauma and it is treated by corporopexy surgically.

How Does Hard Flaccid Syndrome Affects Sexual Health?

If a person has the hard flaccid syndrome, their penis cannot expand and become erect when they are sexually aroused or when they need to urinate. The hardening of the penis makes it difficult for the penis to receive blood through the arteries, and for it to be released through the veins. This is why one may find themself with a hard erection, or even erectile dysfunction. The condition can also cause pain or swelling during sex in some cases. If this happens, seek medical help as soon as possible.


There is no cure for hard flaccid syndrome so treatment focuses on easing symptoms until they improve naturally over time. If someone has this condition, treat them gently during their first visit so as not to cause unnecessary stress which could make things worse over time. The only way to prevent it from happening again is for people with this condition to seek regular, medical attention and take good care of themselves.

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Dr. Raveendran S R
Dr. Raveendran S R



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