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HomeHealth articlesknee painHow Does Knee Support Work for Older People?

Knee Support for Older People

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Knee support helps an individual relieve pain and swelling caused by joint disease. Read the article below to learn how they work for the elderly.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Ranvir Sachin Tukaram

Published At March 3, 2023
Reviewed AtApril 13, 2024


In the elderly, there is an increased risk of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is an inevitable consequence of getting older. They are commonly seen in the aged population. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the knee joint, and the risk factors like obesity, joint injury, anatomical factors, and genetics affect joint mechanics. Aging changes joint issues and the development of osteoarthritis, including cell senescence, and causes the development of secretory phenotype and age change in the matrix.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition that results when the tissues that cushion the bones and joints break over time. These changes usually occur slowly, causing stiffness, pain, and swelling. Individuals living with this condition have difficulty performing day to day activities. There is no way to reverse osteoarthritis, but the symptoms can be managed by medication, support, and lifestyle changes.

What Is Knee Support?

Knee support is additional support that has to be worn when an individual faces knee pain. Some individuals use them as precautionary methods to prevent knee injuries during sports. Knee support is made from combinations of metal, plastic, foam, and elastic materials and straps. They come in different sizes, designs, and colors. The healthcare provider recommends wearing a knee support to brace knee pain. But some other doctors believe it is not a good idea and can harm more than good.

What Are The Types Of Knee Support?

There are various types of knee support they are,

  • Functional Braces: Functional braces give support to the knees that have faced injury. Athletes often use them after a major healed injury. These stabilize the knee and control motion to prevent another injury.

  • Unloader Braces: These braces are designed to relieve pain in individuals with arthritis in the knees. These braces shift the weight from a damaged knee to a stronger area.

  • Prophylactic Braces: These types of braces are designed to protect the knees from injury and help during contact sports like football. They have popularity among athletes.

  • Rehabilitative Braces: These braces are usually used for a period of weeks after an injury or surgery. The knee can be kept stable and still allow limited movement while healing. The health care provider has yet to see clear benefits from this support and no longer recommends them.

  • Knee Sleeves: Knee sleeves are technically not braces but are the most common type of knee support. They provide compression around the knee joint. This helps the knee and can control swelling and pain.

What Is An Indication Of Knee Support In The Elderly?

Osteoarthritis is a complex condition that involves an entire joint. It is mainly known as wear and tear of the knee, and arthritis commonly affects the knees of elderly individuals. The disease frequently affects mostly one side of the knee. Unequal damage can cause alignment issues and imperfect knee alignment, making the individual look knock-kneed or bow-legged. As the damage progresses, the knee alignment worsens. A knee support can take pressure off the part of the knee joint most affected by osteoarthritis and helps relieve pain. If the knee feels that it might buckle when weight is put on it, knee support can help reduce that and help stand and move around more confidently.

When Does An Individual Get Knee Support?

A healthcare provider will let the individual know when to get knee support. The healthcare provider recommends the type and material that should be worn. Simple knee support is usually available in medical supply stores. Some individuals can order directly from the manufacturer. Recommendation from the doctor's results helps get the correct type and size for the individual. Many knee supports are available in the market, and they are mostly expensive too.

What Is The Risk Of Wearing Knee Support In The Elderly?

The risk of wearing knee support might include the following:

  • Skin Irritation and Swelling: The skin under the support might become irritated and red if the knee support fits poorly. Some individuals also face swelling around the knees.

  • Discomfort Wearing the Brace: A knee support can initially feel heavy, hot, and bulky. Ill fit can cause it to slip.

  • Stiffness: Wearing knee support can cause the wearer to treat the braced knee as injured, favor the other knee, and contribute to joint stiffness.

  • Lack of Benefit: Studies of knee support with osteoarthritis have been limited, and the results are mixed. Some individuals see no benefit. Others reported increased function and diminished pain.

Can a Knee Brace Cause Knee Pain?

Knee braces can cause discomfort during the first few days of use. This can be common in rehabilitative braces as they can be bulky and heavy. Thicker construction and weight can make one feel these braces hot at first use. A poor-fitting brace can also cause some swelling and irritation. This happens when braces are too tight, and the material can graze the skin. The sweat produced after wearing the braces can also irritate the skin. Also, wearing a brace increases the risk of developing stiffness in the knee. This may occur if individuals consistently favor the opposite knee, which could result in less use of the injured knee. The brace-wearing knee may therefore experience joint stiffness, soreness, or discomfort. Sometimes rashes may also develop due to prolonged wear of braces. Sometimes the presence of cushioning can lead to a slip down of the knee and trigger a fall. Pain, or pin and needle-like sensation on wearing knee braces, should be noticed and treated as early as possible.


According to some research, knee braces may help persons with knee osteoarthritis feel better and operate better. Healthcare providers fear these braces may increase knee injuries in athletes. But many individuals wear knee support and feel they help. Knee support is the least important part of preventing injuries or healing after an injury. Flexibility and strength are more important, and one should focus more on stretching muscles around the knees and legs and improving techniques. A regular exercise plan for the elderly can help in cases of intense pain and swelling. Better research and trials help in identifying the best braces for the elderly. Purchasing cordless knee massager with heat can be beneficial in relieving knee pain in elderly.

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Dr. Ranvir Sachin Tukaram
Dr. Ranvir Sachin Tukaram

Orthopedician and Traumatology


knee painknee brace
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