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Wifi Family: Does your family connect with emotional bonds between them?

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Wifi Family: Does your family connect with emotional bonds between them?

3 min read


Read this article about how family interpersonal relations and communication patterns lead to mental health problems in children and adults.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. K. Shobana

Published At September 14, 2015
Reviewed AtMarch 7, 2022


“Beep beep! Beep beep! You have got a new message”, a girl sitting in her room watching TV picked up her phone and checked the text, “Sis! Dinner is ready!”

In the next home, the boy sitting in his room chatting with his friends got a message as, “Hey, my mobile charger is not working… please drop yours off before leaving home!! ”.

Then some other day, the mother asks her daughter to give a missed call to his brother or father to come down and have supper!

And there are a lot more examples we can find in our society, in fact at the very next door near you or maybe in our own home this expressionless system of communication is running.

Family Bonds and Networking Systems:

Necessity is the mother of invention, is a great saying. And we have successfully developed tools that upgrade our lifestyles and assist us in every way. Today, I would like to talk about the “WIRELESS system” that is becoming another essential part of our families after television and mobiles.

As several networking systems can be connected through a wireless internet connection, becoming popular these days, members of the families are also having such wireless connections between them. Unfortunately, such relationships lack their emotional part and belongingness and become more technological than emotional.

Some decades before, when these inventions were not so famous and were not accessible to every child at home, people used to spend time together. They took their meals together and got time to share their routines, exchange their views, update themselves about what was going around. This activity also developed emotional bonds between them.

Conversely, as mentioned in the above examples, we prefer to use a wifi communication system rather than facing one another. Some people claim that it helps them communicate as they can more easily share their views in written communication via texts or sms. Maybe they are correct, but I wonder if such a system without experiencing and sharing emotions would make emotional bonds between relations?

The wifi system is also linked with hacking. Hackers used to attack the wireless system and steal it. What will happen if we apply this dimension in our wifi family system? Indeed, people hack our family members easily due to a lack of communication and emotional bond within the family system. An outsider may be some friend, attacks any of family members’ life, and takes them into the new world.

Different mental health problems, including addiction, depression, or some psychotic disorders, have a common factor of lack of social support, emotional bonding, disturbed relationships, etc.

How Can We Improve Emotional Bonds Between Families?

1. Share Feelings With Everyone:

Relationships can be built by spending quality time with friends and family. This can help you to create a sense of trust and closeness. By this, you can develop healthy relationships with your loved ones. Speaking to them about your feelings and attentively listening to their concerns help make the bonds strong.

2. Be Accountable:

Feel accountable for your actions by sharing your responsibilities with your beloved ones. Do work with your partner and take care of household things. By doing so, you can be a responsible partner by sharing your love.

3. Express Yourself:

Talking about your concerns openly with your friends and family can help create a strong relationship. Especially when discussing essential decisions to be made, make sure to speak with your family. Try to resolve any issues you have with your loved ones as soon as possible. Without hiding, express your feelings with them. Do not hide it with an intent to resolve it, not to bring about big problems in the future.

4. Do Show Your Disagreement:

Every person has their views, and it is not wrong to have a feeling of disagreement. However, do remember you share a mutual respect with others. Have an open-minded approach and discuss all your thoughts with your loved ones.

5. Involve in Fun Activities:

Try and spend some fun time with your family. Make sure you celebrate birthday parties and game nights and go for picnics. Create memories with your loved ones.

6. Spend Time With your child:

Have quality time with your kids, like going for a ride with them. Your child does not wish for the expensive things you buy for them. But what they like is to spend a reasonable amount of time with their parents. Plan for unplanned trips with them to boost their inner happiness.

7. Overcome Obstacles Together:

The mantra of a successful relationship relies on how the problems that arise are handled. Try to overcome the hurdles together and find the best possible solution. This can help in making a solid bond between you and your partner.

8. See the World Through His Eyes:

Do not argue with your partner about the problem whenever a conflict arises. Instead, look into the issue by seeing through your partner's eyes. Only then will you be able to get a view of how your partner actually feels. It will also enable you to solve your problems more quickly and effectively.

9. Be Emotionally Available:

Like how you want your loved one or partner to be available when you need them emotionally, you should be readily available to them in their need. This can increase your bondage.


So, beware, try to turn such wifi off in your family, and use your quality time with family members as an antivirus system to protect and save your loved ones from hackers in society. Cheers!

Frequently Asked Questions


Is There an Emotional Bonding Between Family Members?

Yes, family members have a special emotional bond that helps them to share their comfort, happy days, and even sad days and plays as a support system. Families carry their emotional values and every aspect of life.


How Does Family Affect Your Health?

Family plays an essential role in the well-being of an individual. It helps to grow one’s personality and to lead a healthy life. Conversely, friction between family causes stress, mental illness, or health-related issues.


Why Cannot I Emotionally Connect With My Family?

Family bonding is significant; there are many reasons that an individual is not able to connect with their family, such as those mentioned below.
- Abuse.
- Stress.
- Depression.
- Generation gap.


How Do You Connect With Someone Emotionally?

The emotional connection between two people comes naturally as well as with some amount of effort. It is not possible to connect emotionally with an individual in one go.


Who Is an Emotionally Absent Mother?

Mothers are full of emotion and love. Emotionally absent mothers are those with insensitive emotional experience with their child harms the child's growth and development.


What Happens When a Child Does not Feel Loved?

- Disturbed childhood trauma.
- Underdeveloped mental health.
- Trouble getting attached to the family.


What Are the Signs of Emotional Neglect?

- Feelings being repeatedly minimized, dismissed, or ignored.
- Being mocked, teased, or criticized for opening up or being vulnerable.
- Being held to unrelenting standards, even during hardships.
- Having hardships or painful experiences discounted or downplayed.


How Do You Show Emotional Love?

- Words of affirmation.
- Acts of service.
- Receiving gifts.
- Quality time.
- Physical touch.


Why Is Family Relationship Important?

Every relationship is meaningful and should be valued. A happy family member relationship is essential for a strong relationship and bonding.


What Holds a Family Together?

- Family values.
- Emotional dependence.
- Culture.
- Sharing thoughts and feelings.


What Is the Strongest Form of Love?

Loving without expecting anything in return is the strongest and one of the most emotionally satisfying forms of love.
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Arooj Maqsood Ahmed Warraieh
Arooj Maqsood Ahmed Warraieh

Psychologist/ Counselor


interpersonal relations
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