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HomeHealth articlesvibration exposureWhat Is Vibration Exposure?

Vibration Exposure

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Vibration exposure is an occupational health hazard that primarily affects the ears. Read the article to know more.

Published At August 30, 2023
Reviewed AtAugust 30, 2023


Playing instruments, flying in aircraft, and working with certain power tools produce vibrations. These vibrations can affect the body if exposed for a longer duration. It may cause nerve and muscle weakening. Hence, it is important to understand the causes, symptoms, and precautions to be followed when exposed to vibrations, to lead a quality life.

What Is Vibration?

The physical movement or oscillation of a part from a reference position is called vibration. For example, the vibrations produced by drilling machines and aircraft during landing and take-off can have some effects on the health of an individual. Vibration is wasted energy.

What Is Vibration Exposure?

Individuals working in industries or factories with heavy vibrating machinery are commonly exposed to vibrations. Vibration exposure is an occupational health hazard. The commonly affected nerves due to vibration exposure are the ulnar nerve, median nerve, and sciatic nerve.

What Is the Pathophysiology of Vibration Exposure?

Individuals with frequent exposure to vibrations may have local edema in the nerves and surrounding tissues. These local damages to the nerves may cause changes in the blood vessels resulting in vasoconstriction. Hence, there is a limited blood supply to the organs, resulting in necrosis (death) of muscle tissues.

What Are the Causes of Vibration?

The vibrations may affect the entire body as just a part of the body that is exposed or is in constant contact with the vibratory tool. The following are some of the common causes of vibration exposure:

  • Rough roads.

  • Resistant forces.

  • Engine vibrations.

  • Vehicle condition.

  • Speed of the vehicle.

  • Poor maintenance of the suspension system.

  • Poor hand insulation.

  • Maintaining awkward postures.

  • Longer work shifts.

What Are the Common Vibration Hazards?

Vibration hazards frequently occur due to handheld tools like polishers, trimmers, and power drills that commonly produce vibrations. Some examples of vibration hazards are mentioned below:

Whole Body Vibration - The primary cause of whole body vibration is due to standing or lying on a vibrating surface. This could result in the following symptoms:

Individuals driving vehicles on the road may experience a higher risk of jolts. This is observed in individuals driving heavy vehicles at construction sites or industrial plants. These vibrations, transmitted through the feet, can be a health hazard to these individuals.

Vibration White Finger - This condition occurs as a result of hand-held vibrating tools. It usually targets the circulatory system of the hands, as the fingers are usually in close contact with the vibrating tools. The fingers may turn red and cause severe pain until the blood circulation returns to normal. White fingers are also known as dead fingers. The common symptoms experienced with vibration white fingers are listed below:

  • Tingling.

  • Numbness (loss of sensation).

  • The white appearance of fingers (due to lack of blood circulation).

These symptoms may worsen with climatic changes like extremely cold weather and frequent exposure to vibrating tools, resulting in permanent disability.

Hand-Arm Vibration - Hand-arm vibration is also due to frequent exposure to high-frequency vibrations from handheld devices or tools. It affects workers using heavy machinery and power tools. It may also affect workers holding equipment against vibrating surfaces for cutting and grinding. Some examples of power tools and cutting equipment are listed below:

  • Grinders.

  • Road breakers.

  • Power drills.

  • Trimmers.

  • Chainsaws.

  • Polishers.

  • Power hammers and chisels.

  • Powered sanders.

  • Powered lawn mowers.

The following are the symptoms caused due to hand-arm vibrations:

  • Sensory nerve damage.

  • Tennis elbow (injury to the tendons of the elbow).

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness of the hand due to a pinched nerve).

What Are the Factors Influencing Vibration Exposure?

Vibration exposure depends on factors such as the duration of exposure, the frequency or the rate at which the tools vibrate, and the amplitude of the vibration. In addition, the type of equipment used and the protective measures taken by the individuals to safeguard also play a major role in vibration exposure.

What Is the Treatment for Vibration Exposure?

Decreasing the exposure to vibrating tools can prevent further complications of the underlying health conditions. Regular health check-ups to assess the efficiency of the visual and motor performances can identify health issues priorly and aid in treatment.

What Are the Precautions to Reduce Vibration Exposure?

In general, high-frequency vibrations could have adverse effects on health. It has a great effect on muscles and nerves. It may also damage blood circulation and cause joint pain. Although it is unavoidable to prevent vibration exposure in most individuals due to the nature of work, taking the necessary steps to reduce vibration exposure can be extremely beneficial. The following precautions can help to reduce vibration exposure from causing serious disabilities:

  • Hand-held machinery and tools with lower vibration frequencies can help to delay vibration exposure.

  • Industries can provide their employees with protective clothing to keep them warm and dry.

  • In addition, replacing heavy and old vibrating tools with new ones can reduce the amount of exposure.

  • Always use well-maintained instruments.

  • Working on a rotational basis can prevent the workers from being exposed to vibrations for a longer period.

  • Educating the workers about the handling of instruments can help prevent tightly gripping the tools, thereby reducing exposure.

Individuals driving heavy vehicles with vibrations can follow the precautions listed below for safety purposes.

  • Using driver suspension seats can be helpful while driving heavy vehicles.

  • It is important to check the suspension system and maintenance of the vehicle frequently.

  • Proper understanding of the posture to be maintained while driving these vehicles can prevent unwanted vibrations.

  • Using appropriate tires with the correct pressure can help prevent vibrations in the vehicle.

  • Using shoes with thick rubber soles can limit the vibrations in individuals who have to stand while operating machines.

Using proper equipment and considering the safety of the workers can help limit vibration exposure and prevent disabilities.


Vibration exposure is an occupational health hazard that may result in permanent motor defects if left untreated. It commonly occurs due to engine vibrations, the speed of the vehicle, and longer working shifts. Various factors contribute to the vibration exposure, like the frequency and rate of the vibrating tool and the amplitude of vibrations. The treatment for this is to reduce the amount of exposure, thereby preventing any further health complications. Limiting the exposure to vibration and taking necessary precautions can prevent any associated complications.

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Dr. Syed Peerzada Tehmid Ul Haque
Dr. Syed Peerzada Tehmid Ul Haque

Otolaryngology (E.N.T)


vibration exposure
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