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Mite Bites - An Overview

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4 min read


Mites are tiny organisms that are usually harmful, but infections from some species result in itching, swelling, and pain.

Written by

Dr. Neha Rani

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Published At September 27, 2023
Reviewed AtSeptember 29, 2023

What Are Mites?

Mites are insect-like organisms that belong to the arthropod family. They feed on plants and insects, while a few feed on animals. Mite bites usually go unnoticed until symptoms like red and itchy skin develop. After that, they rarely transmit any disease.

What Are the Mites That Can Affect Human Health?

  • House Dust Mites - They are tiny in size and are invisible to the eyes. Their feces are the source of allergens as they become airborne. They rarely cause skin irritation, but since they are the source of airborne allergens, they can trigger asthma attacks. Female mites live up to 90 days, while males can live up to a month. Dust mites feed on dead skin cells of humans; hence, they are prevalent at home. Their typical habitat is bedding, furniture, carpets, and stuffed toys. They thrive well in hot and humid conditions.

  • Itch Mites - Itch mites feed on insects and cause mite bites in humans and animals. Itch mites reside in plant materials like grass, leaves, hay, and straw and harbor humans. The sharpness of itch mites is not felt, but they leave itchy red marks on the skin resembling skin rash. Itch mites cannot survive indoors and do not transmit any disease.

  • Chiggers - Only two species of chiggers bite humans, resulting in mite bites. They are mainly found in the soil. They make contact with the skin of animals and humans only if they sense carbon dioxide exhaled by them. Although they do not suck blood, they release skin-digesting saliva and feed on that digested or liquefied skin. The chigger bite causes inflammation and hardening of the skin resulting in itching.

  • Scabies Mites - There are several types of scabies mites, each with their preferred choice of host. These mites infest mammals, including humans. Scabies are the infection resulting from these mites. Scabies are contagious and spread from person to person. They feed on the skin and its secretions and burrow themselves below the skin surface, laying eggs. Scabies mites survive for only a few days without any host. However, with the presence of a host, they spend their entire life cycle of 10 to 17 days on the host’s body. The main symptoms of scabies mite infection in humans are severe itching and irritation, mainly at night.

  • Clover Mites - The eyes can easily see this group of mites. Clover mites are red, green, or brown. They can enter a building or house in significant numbers. Although they do not bite or cause any health issues, their appearance in large numbers is a problem. In addition, they leave behind a red stain when smashed. Therefore, these mites are not seen during the winter season.

What Are the Symptoms of Mite Bites?

Mite bites are tough to identify as the bite remains unnoticed most of the time. Bite symptoms vary depending on the mites that have bitten; however, a common effect is itchiness. Other symptoms include:

  • Rashes on the skin.

  • Red marks on the skin.

  • The appearance of small bumps leads to inflammation and skin hardening.

  • Swelling of the skin at the bite area.

  • Blistering of the skin near the skin.

How Are Mites Managed?

Mites are tiny creatures that are difficult to see without magnification. So identification and inspection of the area suspected of mite infestation are complex and challenging. Once mite exposure has been identified, appropriate control measures should be taken to eliminate the infection. Cleaning the house regularly along with bedding, carpets, curtains, and furniture. A person should use a vacuum to wipe out the area. Vacuuming the room removes the infections from clover mites and rodent and bird mites. Sealing the item in a plastic bag suspected of mites infestation is also helpful. Moisture control plays a vital role in mite control. Low humidity prevents mites’ growth, whereas high humidity results in exponential growth. Therefore, a house should be well-ventilated to reduce the chances of mite growth.

Dust mites are the most prone to humidity, and any changes in the humidity level (like air-conditioning the room) can result in a massive growth of dust mites. Hence, other means, like using products containing benzyl benzoate, should be used to control their growth in humid areas. Bedding, curtains, floor mats, and furniture should be regularly cleaned to prevent dust mite infestation and allergens related to them. The use of a high-efficiency particulate air cleaning (HEPA) filter is also effective against dust mites and their allergens. The exclusion method is used for clover mites, rodents, and bird mites to stop their growth. The gaps around the doors, windows, and vents should be sealed to keep the mites outside the house. Pesticides are used against mites known as miticides or acaricides and are effective against clover mites in grassy areas. Insect repellents containing DEET (diethyltoluamide) should be used against chiggers as the first line of defense, followed by pesticides.

How Are Mite Bites Treated?

Mite exposure should be removed as soon as possible. The symptoms worsen with the more extended attachment of mites to the skin. A good and thorough shower with plenty of soap and water should be taken if there is a visible mite bite. Clothes and bedding should be washed with warm and soapy water. Anti-itch creams containing antihistamines like hydrocortisone help in reducing itching. Oral histamines for a short period (3 to 5 days) are recommended to cure itching. Topical anesthetic creams cure painful mite bites. Calamine lotion is recommended to get rid of itching symptoms. Mite bites result in severe itching, leading to skin scratching. Scratching of the skin leads to infection; hence, it is essential to reduce the itching symptoms with medications, ice, or other appropriate treatments.


Mite bites are uncomfortable as they result in intense itching and scratching. Most mites do not bite humans but cause severe allergic reactions leading to itching and swelling of the skin. The mites that cause human infections can reside under the people’s skin for several days and usually clear off their own. Hence, medication is not needed most of the time. People can treat mite infections at home with over-the-counter medications like topical ointments containing local anesthetics and antihistamines, steroids, and oral antihistamines. However, people should seek medical help in case of emergencies.

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)


preventing mitesmite bites
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