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Tribulus Terrestris: Assessing Its Scientific Evidence for Boosting Testosterone

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Tribulus terrestris is a natural remedy renowned for its potential to boost testosterone levels and enhance athletic performance. Read below to know more.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Shweta Sharma

Published At May 16, 2024
Reviewed AtMay 16, 2024


Tribulus terrestris is a natural plant marketed as a supplement for boosting libido, sexual drive, and testosterone in men, as well as for athletic purposes in enhancing endurance. However, inconclusive scientific evidence and long-term safety concerns make its benefits a questionable claim! Despite its popularity in traditional medicine, current research suggests a need for more robust studies to verify its efficacy and safety. Delve into the article to understand the nuances of exercising caution with Tribulus Terrestris supplementation, navigating dosage contradictions, and why stringent regulations govern its marketing as a health supplement.

Can Tribulus Terrestris Enhance Sexual Performance or Boost Libido?

The Tribulus terrestris is a natural substance popularized through the internet and mass media for its use in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to boost sexual libido and testosterone in men. This plant, also known as Gokshur or Gokhara, or puncture vine in India, is famed for inducing passion, boosting muscle synthesis, and enhancing sexual drive. Its leaves, roots, and fruits are commonly utilized for these medicinal benefits. In folk medicine, it is also employed to relieve pain and stimulate appetite, and some individuals use it as a diuretic, believing in its potent effects for treating kidney stones, high blood pressure, or urinary tract infections.

Preliminary research and randomized controlled studies suggest that compared to a placebo, regular supplementation with Tribulus terrestris enhances sexual performance in men and could be beneficial for those experiencing low sex drive or erectile dysfunction (ED).

What Are the Purported Health Benefits and the Inconclusive Scientific Evidence Surrounding Them?

Tribulus terrestris is a popular supplement among male athletes due to its specific androgenic effects in men, primarily attributed to stimulating testosterone production. Prolonged or intense exercise can suppress testosterone production in athletes, negatively impacting their performance, according to current medical research. Some athletes are recommended by their physicians or fitness coaches to supplement with Tribulus to prevent this suppression and enhance performance. However, a major 2021 clinical research study involving CrossFit-trained athletes found that tribulus supplementation did not improve athletic performance or lead to significant changes in body composition even with regular use. The authors noted the need for further investigation to verify the potential benefits of Tribulus terrestris in boosting testosterone or as an athletic supplement.

Another significant research study conducted in 2017 among highly trained boxers, published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science, showed no improvement in muscle mass or testosterone levels when supplemented with Tribulus terrestris. However, the trained boxers experienced less muscle damage, and some preliminary studies noted slight improvements in anaerobic performance during high-intensity training after regular consumption of Tribulus terrestris supplements.

In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, Tribulus terrestris is mainly used to treat kidney stones, purportedly by increasing urination frequency or volume to lower the risk of kidney stones. However, current medical research does not conclusively establish this benefit in humans, as studies are limited to animal models. Similarly, research on the possible side effects of Tribulus terrestris is also limited to animal studies at present.

What Is the Availability of Tribulus Terrestris Supplements?

Tribulus Terrestris supplements are available in capsule and powder forms, with some even marketed as teas. In traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, various parts of this plant have been utilized to treat sexual libido, and erectile dysfunction (ED), or to enhance stamina. The Tribulus terrestris supplements commonly found online or on the shelves of local pharmaceutical or health food stores typically contain a blend of extracts from the fruit, leaves, roots, or a combination of all these plant parts. It is important to note that while these supplements may hold promise in traditional practices, their efficacy and safety warrant careful consideration in light of modern scientific research.

What Are the Contradictions in Dosage and Long-Term Safety Concerns?

There is no standard recommended dose for this herbal supplement by alternative or traditional medicine practitioners, nor is there a known level of toxicity, according to them. However, this information contradicts current medical research. Limited human studies suggest that large doses of the herbal supplement may potentially cause cardiovascular, hepatic, or renal damage. Therefore, unless recommended by a registered healthcare provider or nutritionist, consuming Tribulus terrestris as a supplement is unwise. Tribulus terrestris supplements typically range from 250 milligrams to 750 milligrams capsules. It is essential to follow the instructions on the Supplement Facts or nutrition label, especially if recommended by a medical professional.

Tribulus terrestris is popular in alternative medicine for sexual enhancement and boosting athletic performance, despite limited scientific evidence in humans. Safety concerns and potential interactions with other medications have not been adequately studied or understood by physicians. Additionally, according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States, it is illegal for nutritional supplement manufacturers to market their products based solely on claims without scientific evidence. With incomplete scientific investigation, safety concerns, and a lack of established benefits or known drug interactions, Tribulus terrestris remains an avoidable supplement.

What Caution Does the Physician Suggest Regarding Tribulus Terrestris?

Please note that unless advised by a registered physician, nutritionist, healthcare provider, or sexologist, it is unwise to believe the claims made on the internet or in mass media regarding Tribulus terrestris as a supplement for boosting athletic or sexual activity, as scientific evidence regarding its benefits remains inconclusive. While Tribulus terrestris holds potential in traditional medicine, its effects and safety profile require a thorough evaluation by qualified professionals. Relying solely on the internet or media claims without professional guidance may lead to misguided expectations or potential health risks. Seek expert advice to make informed decisions about incorporating Tribulus terrestris into the health regimen.


Though promising in traditional or alternative medicine, current medical research shows inconsistent results in clinical trials evaluating the benefits of Tribulus terrestris on male sexual health. There is a clear need for more scientific investigation, particularly regarding the purported benefits of Tribulus terrestris in treating erectile dysfunction or low libido in men. Further clarity is required, and additional laboratory-based data is necessary to measure the supplement's efficacy on male hormone levels beyond subjective results. Rigorous scientific studies are essential to establish the true potential of Tribulus terrestris and to ensure safe and effective use as a supplement for male sexual health concerns.

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



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