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HomeHealth articlesdr. sebi's dietWhat Is Dr. Sebi's Diet?

Dr. Sebi's Diet - Constituents, Rules, Advantages, and Disadvantages

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Dr. Sebi’s vegan diet is recommended to increase the alkalinity in the body. It mainly includes certain fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Read on to know more.

Written by

Dr. Parul Anand

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop

Published At December 30, 2022
Reviewed AtOctober 17, 2023


Dr. Sebi’s diet is a controversial diet as it emphasizes more alkaline foods. It is believed that diseases in the body occur due to increased acidic content, where it becomes easy for the pathogens to survive, and if alkalinity has been increased, the diseases cannot progress there. Therefore the alkaline nature is not related to disease progression. But no evidence has been reported as of now to validate this diet and the related theory.

In the report of Dr. Sebi, the disease occurs due to an increase in the mucus in any part of the body. He stated that pneumonia is caused due to the accumulation of mucus in the lungs, and diabetes occurs due to the collection of mucus in the pancreas. He claimed that this diet has the power to cure conditions like AIDS, leukemia, and lupus.

What Is Dr. Sebi's Diet?

Dr. Sebi, whose real name was Alfredo Darrington Bowman, was a self-proclaimed herbalist and healer who developed the "Dr. Sebi Diet" or the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide. He refused to accept the fact that diseases occur due to bacterial or viral invasion. He claimed that mucus and acidity are the factors responsible for causing diseases in humans, and the supplements created by him are helpful in preventing as well as curing serious diseases. While there has been no research done that proves Dr. Sebi’s claim is true and reliable in context to the welfare of humans.

What Are the Constituents of the Diet?

Dr. Sebi’s cell food components, also known as African Biomineral Balance Compounds, contain mainly herbs, algae, and seaweeds. He used to sell ‘bromide plus capsules,’ which contain Irish sea moss and bladderwrack (a seaweed). In many of his medicines, ingredients were not disclosed as there might be the handling of the ingredients responsible for causing allergies or intolerance. Despite all these claims, these products failed to prove their worth.

There is Sebi’s blood pressure balance herbal tea, claimed to regulate high or low blood pressure. The ingredient published on the product is ‘flor de manita’, botanically known as chiranthodendron. This flowering plant is found in Guatemala and Southern Mexico. As per the claims, there has been no evidence found related to the efficacy of this flowering plant. No studies reveal that this herbal tea is effective enough to increase/ decrease blood pressure in humans; rather, this flowering plant has shown antibacterial and anti-diarrheal activities.

What Are the Rules of Dr.Sebi’s Diet?

There have been ascertained rules to be followed in the diet :

  • Rule 1: Only consume the foods mentioned in the nutritional guide.

  • Rule 2: Drink 3.8 liters of water regularly.

  • Rule 3: Dr. Diet’s supplements are to be taken at least 1 hour prior to the medication.

  • Rule 4: Meat/chicken is prohibited.

  • Rule 5: Alcohol consumption is prohibited.

  • Rule 6: Wheat products are not to be used. Natural growing grains should be eaten.

  • Rule 7: Microwave should not be used to warm/cook the food, as they can destroy the food.

  • Rule 8: Seedless or conserved fruits are not to be taken.

Dr. Sebi’s diet does not include any specific nutritional guidelines. The recommended diet is low in proteins, though proteins are considered body-building foods and are required for building strong muscles, bones, skin, and joints.

What Are the Foods Involved in this Diet?

1. Vegetables like avocado, kale, and bell peppers.

2. Fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, and oranges.

3. Grains like wild rice, quinoa, spelt, and rye.

4. Oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and hemp seed oil.

5. Herbal teas - chamomile, fennel, ginger.

6. Spices - seaweed, cayenne.

7. Sweeteners like date sugar and agave syrup.

What Are the Advantages of This Diet?

Following are some listed benefits of the diet:

1. Alteration in the Microbiome: As the diet is totally plant-based, there is an obvious alteration of the microbiome (all the microorganisms present in the gut). This altered microbiome thus leads to a reduced risk of diseases.

2. Reduced Risk of Heart Diseases: Studies have shown that a plant-based diet reduces the risk of heart diseases by 40 %, and the risk of metabolic diseases like diabetes decreases by 50%.

3. Full Meal Thing: The diet helps in controlling the appetite because it does not involve any animal products, and there is satisfaction after eating such meals.

4. Better Diet Quality: Less the use of processed foods, better diet quality.

Is the Diet Useful in Losing Weight?

Though this diet is not recommended for weight loss, if implemented properly, it generates better results as the concept of the diet is totally against the Western food system in which there is the involvement of ultra-processed foods like salt, sugar, fats, and calories. As Dr. Sebi's diet advises the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie foods, incorporating this diet may be cardioprotective and aid in healthy weight loss. Many foods of this diet are low in calories except avocado, nuts, seeds, and oils, so taking an adequate amount of such items does not increase the weight. But the diet does not recommend the portions and quantities of the foods to be taken, so the concept of reducing weight remains questionable in this diet.

What Are the Drawbacks of This Diet?

1. Deficiency of Protein And Other Essential Nutrients - All the recommended foods of the diet lack protein and many other essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamin D, and B12.

2. Restricted Food Items - This diet allows only specific fruits and vegetables like plums, tomatoes, and cherries. It restricts food items like wheat, beans, lentils, etc., and promotes the intake of diet supplements to have the feeling of fullness. Thus this diet leads to negative eating patterns, which are not healthy for the proper growth and development of humans.

3. pH Theory - The diet is based on the concept of maintaining alkalinity in the body. Our body already has a pH slightly alkaline, that is, 7.3 - 7.4. The diet claims to increase the alkaline nature of the body, which is scientifically not possible.

4. Unrealistic Claims -Some proponents of the Sebi diet have made unrealistic claims about its ability to cure or treat serious medical conditions, which can give false hope to individuals seeking medical treatment.

5. Cost and Availability - Some of the recommended foods and supplements on the Sebi Diet may be expensive and not readily available to everyone, making it difficult for some individuals to adhere to the diet.


Dr. Sebi’s diet has ruled out a high range of essential nutrients and focuses more on supplements making the diet highly restricted. The diet is highly dangerous for certain groups like persons having eating disorders and pregnant women, leading to many diseases like pernicious anemia, osteoporosis, osteopenia, etc. Low protein content makes the diet harmful for many individuals, and the concept of eating alkaline food products doesn’t meet the basic needs of the human body. This diet mainly constitutes the supplements conceptualized by Dr. Sebi that might have helped a few individuals in getting a cure, but no strong evidence has been found as of now to prove the claims.

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Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop
Dr. Achanta Krishna Swaroop



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