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HomeHealth articlesprevention of developing hemorrhagic septicemiaHow Is Developing Hemorrhagic Septicemia Prevented?

Prevention of Developing Hemorrhagic Septicemia - An Overview

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Hemorrhagic septicemia is a fatal bacterial infection. Refer to this article to know its preventive measures in detail.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Published At October 11, 2023
Reviewed AtOctober 11, 2023


Hemorrhagic septicemia is a fatal infectious condition. It is a bacterial infection that mostly affects cattle. This condition is known by several other names, like pasteurellosis, transport fever, and Barbone disease; in the local Indian language, it is commonly called galghotu. The onset of this disorder is acute, but it is highly fatal. Hemorrhagic septicemia mainly develops due to extreme exertion, like traveling, driving, shipping, and performing heavy exercises. Cases of hemorrhagic septicemia have been reported in various tropical and subtropical countries. The outbreak of this disorder is mainly noted during the rainy season; high humidity is considered the reason for increased infectivity.

What Is the Causative Agent of Hemorrhagic Septicemia?

Pasteurella multocida is a bacteria responsible for the fatal condition of hemorrhagic septicemia. Pasteuella multocida is a gram-negative bacteria and is circular and filamentous in shape. It does not produce exotoxins (toxins released by the bacteria into their immediate surroundings) and is not easily destroyed by extreme temperatures like heat and light. It is present as a part of the natural flora of the respiratory tract under normal circumstances. Still, its division increases under predisposing conditions like extreme fatigue, overexertion, starvation, and in damp and humid conditions of monsoon. It can be stained in laboratories and gives bipolar staining ( the ending part of the microscopic organisms gets stained better than the middle part). Pasteuella multocida can be killed by 0.5 percent phenol in around fifteen minutes.

Who Is a Susceptible Host, and What Is the Transmission Mode for These Disorders?

The reported clinical cases have shown that the host for these bacteria is mainly seen in cattle, buffalo, sheep, and pigs; it can get transmitted to humans by ingestion or inhalation of the causative bacteria during direct contact or through contaminated food and water. In endemic areas, most deaths are seen in young adults. The most typical mode of transmission for this infectious agent is respiratory secretions. Still, studies have shown that the infectious agent can also be found in other body secretions, feces, and urine. Few cases are reported in humans in which hemorrhagic septicemia was caused due to cat scratches. The affected individuals display extreme clinical signs and symptoms. The features of this disorder are not self-limiting and require proper medical attention. Failure to provide proper care can be fatal for individuals suffering from this disorder.

How Does Hemorrhagic Septicemia Spread?

It is present as a part of the natural flora of the respiratory tract under normal circumstances, but its division increases under predisposing conditions. During such situations, the defense mechanism of the lungs gets reduced.

  • The bacteria starts destroying the lung tissue, and in response, inflammatory cells like macrophages are released from the lung lining.

  • Then, fibroblastic elements of the body's defense mechanism get released; they include prostaglandins and histamine.

  • Prostaglandins and histamine release cause inflammatory changes in the lungs' linings, further leading to fibrin deposition.

  • After this stage, the lungs also become more susceptible to secondary infections.

  • Pneumonia and bronchopneumonia develop in individuals. If proper treatment is not given, it may lead to hypoxia and death.

What Are the Clinical Features of Hemorrhagic Septicemia?

Following are a few commonly noted clinical features of hemorrhagic septicemia:

  • High fever.

  • Increased salivation.

  • Drowsiness and lethargy.

  • Increased serous nasal secretion.

  • Oedematous swelling in the neck region.

  • Difficulty in swallowing.

  • Breathing difficulty and shortness of breath.

What Are the Things to Inform the Doctor Before Starting the Treatment for Hemorrhagic Septicemia?

  • Family History: The patient should inform the doctor if any family members suffer from diabetes mellitus. They should also disclose if their siblings or spouse has any history of diabetes mellitus or not. This information helps the doctors know the disorder's hereditary pattern and the common signs and symptoms in the individual's family. Family history of the disorder guides the doctor in planning a better management and treatment protocol.

  • Personal History: Personal history includes altered symptoms that an individual faces, like excessive weight gain or weight loss, lethargy, swollen legs, increased heart rate, increased thirst, increased urge to eat, and increased urination. This personal history regarding the individual's altered symptoms serves as a guide for the clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • Other Systemic Disorders: The patient should always inform the doctors if they suffer from other underlying diseases like kidney disorders or liver dysfunction. Doctors prescribe medications keeping in consideration the other underlying systemic conditions.

  • Pregnancy: A pregnancy history should always be given to the doctor as many drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy.

What Are the measures to be followed to prevent developing hemorrhagic septicemia?

The following measures should be followed for the prevention of developing hemorrhagic septicemia:

  • Deleterious activities like cigarette smoking and alcohol intake significantly influence overall health. It harms the immune health of individuals. Therefore, it is advised that people should abstain from alcohol intake and cigarette smoking to improve their immunity and make their lungs strong.

  • Psychological stress is another important factor influencing immunity. Psychological stress causes hormonal imbalance. These hormonal imbalances directly affect the functioning of the immune system. Antidepressants and family support can help relieve stress.

  • High consumption of junk food leads to increased deposition of toxins in these individuals. Increased polyunsaturated fatty acid levels and lipid levels harm health. Individuals of all age groups should avoid junk food intake as much as possible.

  • Obesity also harms immune health and increases the burden on vital organs, including the lungs. Maintaining an appropriate body mass index is of utmost importance.

  • Nutritional deficiency is also an important factor linked with decreased immunity. Antioxidant-rich food items like fruit and vegetables should be included in daily diet. Antioxidants help in washing out toxins from the body, which results in an improvement in lung health and immunity.

  • Proper care should be taken after coming in contact with cattle. Hands should be washed with soap and water. Covering the face and nose with a cloth piece or mask to avoid inhalation of the bacteria is essential. Maintenance of proper hygiene should also be considered.


Hemorrhagic septicemia is a fatal infectious condition. It is a bacterial infection that mostly affects cattle. The reported clinical cases have shown that the host for these bacteria is primarily noted in cattle, buffalo, sheep, and pigs; they can transmit to humans by ingesting or inhaling the causative bacteria during direct contact or through contaminated food and water. The lungs get more susceptible to secondary infections as well. Pneumonia and bronchopneumonia develop in individuals; if proper treatment is not given, it may lead to hypoxia and death.

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Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar
Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar

Pulmonology (Asthma Doctors)


prevention of developing hemorrhagic septicemia
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