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HomeAnswersDentistrywisdom teethPain and swelling in my wisdom tooth area is preventing me to chew or bite. Why?

I have pain and swelling near wisdom tooth area. How to treat it?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vinodhini J.

Published At April 15, 2020
Reviewed AtJanuary 29, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am having gum pain and swelling near wisdom tooth in the lower jaw for three days. I am unable to open the mouth fully and eat or bite properly. Please help.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

As per the description, you are suffering from pericoronitis. As per the current outside scenario of viral outbreak, one should not visit the dental clinic unless it is an emergency. So for temporary relief, I can tell you medication and a few home remedies, but for that, I need to know a few more details.

Do you have any infection/pus to that site? If possible upload the image of your concern area. Until then gargles with lukewarm water and add a little salt in it, do it for two to three times daily.

Get back with the above details for appropriate medication.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

As of now, there is no pus. The gum seems to be swelling over the last tooth as visible in the picture. It did not erupt properly and I am unable to chew or eat since three days. I flood and clean my teeth regularly but this has happened I think for the second time (last time, a few months back there was pain and it subsided so I did not worry so much).


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

I have gone through your attachment and query. (attachment removed to protect patient identity).

It is pericoronitis. For temporary relief you can take tablet Combiflam twice daily after food for three days.

In view of infection, tablet Augmentin (Amoxicillin and Clavulinic acid) 625 mg twice daily for three days after food. Tablet Pan 40 (Paantoprazole) twice daily for three days half an hour before food.

Gargling with lukewarm water and add pinch of salt in it. Keep that site clean, that is gargles after every meal. After this pandemic of COVID-19 get subside then you can get it treated in dental clinic. Procedure that will be done in clinic is operculectomy.

I hope this helps.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal
Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal


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