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HomeAnswersSexologyshort penisWhat is the treatment for my short penis and nightfall?

I have a short penis and nightfall problem too.Is it normal?

I have a short penis and nightfall problem too.Is it normal?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 7, 2017
Reviewed AtFebruary 23, 2024

Patient's Query


  • I am a 25 year old person.
  • I have a short penis. It is only 2-2.5 inches long in flaccid state, but the length and diameter is 4 inches in erect state.
  • I want to increase the size of my penis.
  • Apart from this, I also have nightfall problem which lasts for less than 2 minutes.
  • It will occur 4 to 5 times in a month.
  • I had masturbated a lot during my early ages.
  • I am an unmarried person, going to get married soon. So, will the penis size affect my marriage life?
  • If so, I need a permanent solution for this.
  • Kindly suggest me medications with no side effects to solve this problem.


Welcome to icliniq.com.

  • First of all I would like to do psycho education for you, regarding some psycho sexual issues.
  • Size of penis varies between races, individuals to individuals and it will also depend upon genetics.
  • Normal length of vagina in an average female is about 3-4 inches. Vagina consists of elastic walls and it is the level of erection that matters in intercourse than the length of penis.
  • You have penis length of about 4 inches in erected stage and according to my opinion that is pretty normal.
  • Most of adult humans have average penis size of about 4 inches. So there is nothing abnormal in your length and width of penis.
  • Do not remain stressed about this. You can satisfy any female and this will not affect your married life.
  • Size of penis cannot be increased by medicines.
  • Some exercises like jelqing (penis enlargement technique) can help to increase the size of penis provided done in proper manner. This consists of milking like actions on semi erect penis from base to tip repeatedly about 3-4 times a day for about 5-10 minutes per episode.
  • Regarding premature ejaculation, in my opinion 2 minutes time is normal. If you want to increase the time then medicines like SSRIs can help.
  • Duloxetine (mood elevators) can help to delay ejaculation time when taken about half hour before intercourse on requirement basis.You have to visit a doctor to get a written prescription of this drug.
  • Herbal medicines like Tentex royal, Confido should be taken regularly, these have been found to be useful in premature ejaculation. Confido will help in nocturnal emissions also.
  • Two tablets of each drug per day for about 2-3 months help to delay the ejaculation time. These drugs are safe to use and require no prescription.

I hope, this will help you.

Kindly follow up with a sexologist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sexologist

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

  • Whether these herbal medicines are 100% effective without any side effects?
  • Is it harmful if I take these medication for more than 3 months?
  • Should I need to use any other oil or gel for jelqing?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

  • Herbal medicines are good and most widely used medicines for premature ejaculation. 
  • They are safe and free of side effects.
  • No risk factors are associated, if you take medication for more than 3 months.
  • Neutral jelly can be used for jelqing. They are free of dermatological side effects.

Thank you.

Kindly follow up with a sexologist online --> https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/sexologist

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui
Dr. Seikhoo Bishnui


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