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HomeAnswersDermatologyrashI have red itchy rashes on my body. Please help.

What could be done to relieve red itchy rashes on the body?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At February 12, 2024
Reviewed AtFebruary 12, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I have got red itchy rashes on my legs, feet, and arms. It has been going on for three days now. Please help.

Thank you.


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Possible differential diagnoses are allergic contact dermatitis, viral exanthem, irritant contact dermatitis, prickly heat, urticarial rash, or photodermatoses. I suggest the following medication:

1. Tablet Loratidine 10 mg once a day after breakfast for 10 days (to reduce itching) or Teczine-M (Levocetirizine 5 mg and Montelukast 10 mg) once at night after food for seven days.

2. Dermocalm lotion immediately after bath for 10 days.

3. Tablet Zentel (Albendazole) 400 mg stat (only once). Consult your doctor and take the medicines accordingly.

Answer the below questions to arrive at a definitive diagnosis so that I can guide you better.

1. Do you have a fever?

2. Do you have any history of abdomen pain, toothache, or joint pain?

3. Are there any known triggers?

4. Do you have any drug allergies or food allergies, stress, or exposure to sun, heat, cold, or extreme weather conditions?

5. What is the nature of rash? Is it spreading or localized? Is it widespread?

6. Do you have any annular inflammatory lesions with elevated margins?

7. Do you have hives?

8. Do you have furfuraceous scales?

9. Do you have to burn on exposure to the sun?

10. Are there any pets in the house?

11. Do you have a history of insect bites?

12. Do you face the aggravation of itching during the night?

13. Is it a recurrent episode?

I suggest avoiding the known triggers or possible allergens like dust or pollutants. Avoid provoking factors. I also recommend getting a routine blood workup like CBC (complete blood count) with differential count with absolute eosinophil count done.

I hope this information will help you.

In case of further queries, please revert.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I do not have any fever, abdomen pain toothache, or joint pains. I have no known triggers, no drug allergies or food allergies, stress, sun, heat, cold, or extreme weather conditions. I have rashes that appear as little as red circles similar to mosquito bites. I do not have any annular inflammatory lesions with elevated margins and am not sure if they could be hives. I do not have any scales, or burning sensation on exposure to sun. There are no pets in the house. I got bitten by a lot of mosquitoes recently. I have the aggravation of itching at night. It does not recur often.

Thank you.


Glad to have you back!

I am here to help you get the best medical advice.

It appears to be papular urticaria with an itch mite hypersensitivity reaction. I suggest the following:

1. Apply Fucibet cream (Betamethasone 0.1 % w/w and Fusidic acid 2 % w/w) twice daily in the morning and night for seven days.

2. Apply Caladryl or Dermocalm lotion immediately after bath for 20 days.

3. Tablet Atarax (Hydroxyzine)10 mg twice daily in the morning and night after food for 10 days or Tablet Teczine-M (Levocetirizine 5 mg and Montelukast 10 mg) once at night after food for seven days.

4. Apply 5 percent Permethrin cream (Permethrin 5 % w/w) on the first day at night, and wash off the next morning. The contact period is eight to 12 hours, apply below the neck to the whole body sparing the face and genitals) and on the seventh day (repeat similarly next week).

5. Tablet Ivermectin 12 mg once a week (for two weeks), only two tablets.

6. Cetrimide soap or Permite BB bar soap can be used while bathing for two months. Consult your doctor and take the medication appropriately. I also recommend to do the following:

1. Maintain proper hygiene.

2. Wash clothes separately in hot water.

3. Decontaminate surroundings.

4. Use anti-septic measures.

5. Bath twice daily (add anti-septic liquid or solution to bath water).

6. Avoid sharing personal belongings. It will go in two months.

I hope this information will help you.

In case of further queries, please revert.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav
Dr. Dhepe Snehal Madhav


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