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HomeAnswersDentistryoral healthWill prediabetic stage result in white spot on gums?

I have white spots on my upper gums. Could this be due to my prediabetic stage?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vinodhini J.

Published At April 17, 2020
Reviewed AtJanuary 29, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I was diagnosed with prediabetics (102) two months before. Now I noticed white spots on my upper gums. Are the spots related to diabetes or some serious problem? Please guide.


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Before commenting anything about diabetes and its relationship with oral problems, I would like to see images of your gums having a white spot so that we can discuss appropriately.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

I have attached the file.


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I have gone through your attachment, your images are not very clear.(attachment removed to protect patient identity).

But as of now, it is less likely to be because of diabetes but possibly because of some infection that has to be evaluated clinically. Once this pandemic of COVID 19 gets subside then get it checked in the clinic. As you are in a prediabetic range you are less likely to be prone to it. What you can do at home is:

1. Gargling with luke warm water and a little salt in it for two to three times daily for three days.

2. Maintain proper oral hygiene that is twice brushing and use of Chlorhexidine mouth wash.

3. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

4. Increase intake of iron-rich diet that is dates, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, etc.

And meanwhile, you can start on multivitamin supplement that is capsule Becosules once in a day for 15 days.

I need to know a few more details. Do you have any habit of chewing tobacco or betel nut or habit of smoking? Do you have any fever? Do you have foul smelling odor with that? Is it painful at that site? Is it increasing in size? Is it scrapable means can you able to wipe it up or removable?

You need not to worry if they are painless and you are not having any addiction and if they are not progressive. Once this viral outbreak is under control get it evaluated clinically.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

The details of my habits and symptoms are:

I do not smoke or chew tobacco or beetle leaves. No fever. No foul smell. No pain. It is not scrapable, removable. They are hard, tiny and two to three like pimples at a place on the gum just above the teeth. (right canine).

I am experiencing severe dry mouth when stressed and slightly when normal since eight months. Also, since then I am facing scratchy throat and that worsens when I talk loud. Please prescribe some medicines till the lockdown is over for dry mouth, scratchy throat, and white spots on gums. I will consult the doctor after the lockdown period.


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It is good that you do not have any addiction. This will directly reduce the chances of any major problem that you were worried.

Your concern about dry mouth, let me tell you this is the symptom of pre-diabetic condition. Do not take any medicine. Treat it naturally as much as possible, just suggesting you being a naturopath. Drink water frequently. In a diabetic person urination increases so this is the reason for thirst and dry mouth.

For itchy throat, gargle with lukewarm water and add a little salt in it. Do it two to three times daily. Now since you are in prediabetic range you have a scope to prevent yourself from going into the diabetic range. So, follow what all natural things that will help you to reduce sugar level. All your symptoms will reduce automatically.

Regarding your spots in mouth, as there is no addiction, I need to know is there any sharp tooth part that is continuously making trauma? Knowingly or unknowingly any trauma from hot foodstuff? Or hard foodstuff? Any gum infection? Is it painful? If not then there are chances of ulcers, maybe because of stress.

Home remedy I will advise for that is apply ghee on that pimple spot at night. As prescribed previously start multivitamin tablet Becosule once daily for 15 days. If those spots are painful then apply Mucopain (Benzocaine) gel over that for three to five times daily.

With this, I expect that you will start with a new schedule for fighting with prediabetes.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal
Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal


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