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HomeAnswersMedical oncologynumbnessI have metastasizing breast cancer. Is chin numbness severe?

Why is there numbness in left side of chin in a metastasizing breast cancer patient?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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iCliniq medical review team

Published At April 7, 2018
Reviewed AtFebruary 18, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am a 61-year-old with breast cancer metastasizing to the liver, nodes, and bones. I am currently on Abraxane and Herceptin. I was diagnosed 19 years back and had 15 years of no cancer. Metastasis to a few nodes was noted four years back. I have been on Taxol, Taxatore and now Abraxane. I morphed into triple positive a year ago. I know my chance of getting brain metastasis is high. A few days back at work I noticed the left side of my chin was numb. I looked it up and read horrible information that it is from the mandible or cerebellum. And the outlook was ominous. I am so frightened. My question is how serious is numbness in this condition? I can feel pain when I pinch and poke at my chin. It does not feel like when I get Novacane at the dentist. I do get Xgeva every three months, have bad sinus and vertigo problems (just recently) and am depressed and have horrible anxiety which I try to control with Xanax. I will see my oncologist in a few days for treatment. I just need some reassurance, I guess. I have no pain from any of my metastasis. Just side effects from chemotherapy. I had laboratory tests done weeks ago. I am anemic due to chemotherapy. My liver panel is normal. I am currently taking Lotrel and Zoloft.


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You have been living with this cancer for a long time and have a lot of information about it. This numbness on your chin can be a side effect of your chemotherapy but without MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain very difficult to say you do not have any brain metastasis. But be assured cerebellar metastasis usually have the problem of maintaining of balance rather than just sensory disturbance. You are getting best treatment trust in your creator and be bold. If you have done any radiology to rule out any brain metastasis. And if done and is negative then relax and pray and hope for a long life. I wish you a long productive life and I hope I answered your questions.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I can feel hot and cold and pinch on my left numbed chin. How can it be numb if I can feel things?


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

What you described can be a part of sensory neuropathy. I wish you will be in good health. You did not mention about MRI brain, if done.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan
Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan

Medical oncology

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