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HomeAnswersMedical GastroenterologyflatulenceI pass gas frequently. Is it due to IBS or gut flora imbalance?

How to treat excessive flatulence and growling stomach?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Answered by

Dr. Ankur Jindal

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At June 25, 2023
Reviewed AtJune 25, 2023

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I was diagnosed with IBS-D by a gastroenterologist. My CBC, abdominal ultrasound, and FOBT were all normal. I was put on a one-month medication that consisted of Rifagut 550 mg (twice a day), Colospa Retard (twice a day), and Librax. My only problem was aggressive BM, not diarrhea but a lot of gas after getting up in the morning followed by first BM, and then another BM in a span of two hours. I weighed 79 kg which then dropped to 72 kg. The doctor says this weight loss is clinically not scary. I did consult another doctor who says this to be gut flora Imbalance and not IBS as I have not had any relief from IBS medication and he believes my symptoms do not correlate with typical IBS. At present, I have frequently passing of gas, especially after eating food or dinner. My morning BM is smooth however I do feel the gas and pressure again in three hours' time and this trend is regular. The stomach gets settled after the second BM. I do hear my stomach growling and if I press my stomach hard I do feel pain like tenderness but only if I press hard otherwise there is not any pain, cramp, or anything. I was advised to take Nexium 40 mg empty stomach for three weeks and I am still continuing with my third week. I was asked to quit smoking, alcohol, and all non-vegetarian items which I have done for the past week. I am also taking one capsule of 64 Billion Probiotic daily along with 100 ml Kefir. My breakfast includes probiotic yogurt along with oats. I also have suspected migraine or occipital neuralgia owing to which I have had lots of Voltaren 50 mg tablets at least 10 to 15 days a month for the past four years. I really want to understand what is this gas, morning episode BM, and stomach growling all about and how can I get rid of this once and for all if it is an issue. Is this gut flora imbalance or IBS? How can I live an effective and healthy life?

Answered by Dr. Ankur Jindal


Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and understand your concern. Your symptoms typical of irritable bowel syndrome. Small frequent meals, low carb diet, plenty of fluids and water can help. I suggest to take tablet lomotil if required. Get colonoscopy done. No major worries. I hope I have cleared all your doubts.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

Thank you for the response. The city where I am placed the major tests like colonoscopy are very expensive. Your answer is very short, do u really feel the need of colonoscopy at this stage? How can I get rid of daily morning issue?

Answered by Dr. Ankur Jindal


Welcome back to icliniq.com.

You are already taking other medications, but will still need colonoscopy to rule out organic illness. I hope I have cleared all your doubts.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Ankur Jindal
Dr. Ankur Jindal

Medical Gastroenterology

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