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HomeAnswersAyurveda Specialistfibroid uterusI am a 37-year-old female with fibroids. Will I be able to conceive?

Is Ayurveda or allopathy safe in treating fibroids?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

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Published At April 30, 2022
Reviewed AtJanuary 17, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

I am a 37 year old female married three days back. Mostly, I have a regular 27 day period cycle. But recently last month I had a urine infection and got my periods twice. I was under antibiotics for 10 days. During the investigation, we found three intramural fibroids of size 0.5" × 0.7" anterior, 0.5" × 0.2" posterior, and 0.4" × 0.2" cm posterior walls. My current month periods started 30 days later than my last periods. I have mild pain in the right mid-lower abdomen region for the last two months. A follicle was in the right ovary at the time of the pelvis scan. I get abdominal cramps on the first day of my periods since my puberty. Other reports turned out to be normal. I am looking forward to conceiving, will this fibroid cause any problems? Will allopathic treatment stop my regular periods and lead to menopause? My question to you is how long should I have to take medicines in Ayurveda for dissolving my fibroids? Will it stop my periods or is it safe? And after treatment will I be able to conceive?



Welcome to icliniq.com.

I read your query and understand your concern.

Do not worry, you are at the right place. In allopathy, the only line of treatment for fibroid is surgery. Even after surgery you may get adverse effects. As you are married at a late age, you may take some longer time or years to conceive than a normal woman. so do not worry about it. Chance of conceiving is as high as 90 % with alternative medicine in your case.

First lets concentrate on the fibroid mass. Please mention your weight also. And if possible you can attach your reports. Do you have white discharge, bloating, or any other symptoms? My suggestions for you on a diet are you must avoid junk food, fried food, excess fat (oil), cheese, and processed food. You must use groundnut oil or olive oil for cooking. You can eat all other food items without fear except for chicken (if you are a non-vegetarian). You must add more green leafy vegetables to your diet like drumsticks, broccoli, or spinach. You must avoid tea and coffee. Instead, you can consume herbal teas. Do moderate exercise everyday and walk as long as you can to sweat out more.

In ayurveda we prefer a detox before any medication for better absorption and action. So, you will need a complete detox. A detox is releasing more sweat through moderate workouts, following pranayama, and proper evacuation of urine and bowel. For proper evacuation of urine and motion, I suggest Anuloma churna (Ajamoda, Jeeraka, Balharda, Yashtimadhu, Shunthi, Saindhav salt, and Sonamukhi)- one teaspoon in warm water before going to bed. Chandraprabha Vati (prepared from 42 herbs with main ingredients as Guggul, Shilajeet, Laugh bhasma, Trivit, Trijatak etc.)- take twice daily after meals for three days. You must consume more water. You can also drink water infused with Ushira (Vetiveria Zizanioides), Nannari (Sarasaparilla), or Padhimugam (Sappan Wood).

After your detox is finished, I suggest you to take the below medications for one month and have a regular follow-up.

1. Varanadi Kashayam (varunadi kwath) 1.15 tablespoon dissolved in half cup of water twice daily before food.

2.Dabur Rajahpravartini Vati (aloe Vera, borax, blue vitriole, and asafoetida) two tablets in morning and two tablets in evening after food.

3. Kanchanara Guggulu (Kanchanar, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Marica, Shunthi, Pippali, Ela or Suksmaila, Varuna, Tvak, Tejpatta, Guggulu shuddha) two tablets in morning and two tablets in evening after food.

4. Dabur Ashokarishta and Kumaryasava two teaspoon each dissolved in half cup of water twice daily after food.

The medicines will be available in ayurvedic pharmacies. For any doubts or further queries, book an audio or video consultation so you can interact better.

Thank you.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Farzana Roshan. M
Dr. Farzana Roshan. M

Ayurveda Specialist

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