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HomeAnswersSexologyerectile dysfunctionPlease advise me on the treatment to get rid of ED and PE.

How to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Divya Banu M

Published At May 21, 2019
Reviewed AtMay 10, 2024

Patient's Query

Hello doctor,

I am 47 years old. I am experiencing ED and PE. Five years back I had a seizure attack once because of high BP for which I have used Eptoin 100 mg daily for three years. Currently, I am on medication for BP using Telma 80 mg and Minipress XL 5 mg (for five years) and taking Insulin 12 units daily (one year). Please advice me on the treatment to get rid of ED and PE.


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B-blocker like Prazosin hydrochloride (Minipress XL) is causing premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) with the effect of Phenytoin (Eptoin) (attachment removed to protect patient's identity). Diabetes also a risk-factor of causing erectile dysfunction. Kindly tell us how is your diabetes and hypertension control, then I will tell how to manage this condition.

Take care.

Patient's Query

Thank you for your reply doctor,

My current BP levels are 130/85, plasma glucose - fasting -100, post-lunch -160.

Please guide.


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Diabetes destroys nerves and vessels which help for penile erection, thus leading to PE and erectile dysfunction. You can follow the following instructions:

1. Tablet Sildenafil 50 mg orally one hour before sex (precaution- do not take Minipress XL in the last 12 hours as it causes severe hypotension).

2. Intravenous injection of Alprostadil before sex.

3. Tablet Neurobion Forte (multivitamin) one tablet orally once a day for 15 days.

Thank you.

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

Thank you for your kind response. I will follow up with the advice.


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Take care.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Vedprakash Verma
Dr. Vedprakash Verma

General Practitioner

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